Recent content by j4k3

  1. J

    Anyone know where i can get free legal help online?

    Ah, just tried to edit post and couldn't. Yeah, never trust a company with no landline number or etc, just threw that up as it was the first link.
  2. J

    Anyone know where i can get free legal help online?

    previous poster is correct, speak to citizens advice. There are also no win no fee job solicitors out there who will take an unfair dismissal claim should your case be strong enough. first google link for "no win no fee unfair dismissal"
  3. J

    Excuse me, train persons?

  4. J

    Excuse me, train persons?

    South Eastern have started putting ticket inspectors on dressed in mock OB attire, it's rather interesting to say the least (witnessing one threatening to call the british transport police on a man who'd obviously no means to pay for a ticket judging by the look of him).
  5. J

    DD's Brand New Safehouse

    If you would good sir.
  6. J

    The random joke thread

    How can you tell if a valentine is from a leper? - The tongue's still in the envelope.
  7. J

    Race For Life

    That's cracking mate, wish her all the best. Will have to throw in a fiver when I get paid.
  8. J

    Police helicopter over Leicester this monring

    Was very odd experience I had the other day myself, was walking down the street in the night time (around Canterbury, was on the lash) about 11pm. Helicopter hovering above for about 20 mins, all of a sudden big beam of light comes down on me... Well the state I was in I thought I'd copped it...