Recent content by NottsUniFox

  1. N

    Craigs Crystal Ball

    Nalis will leave at the end of the season. With him going Levein needs to buy at least 1 centre back and another centre-midfielder (if not two in each of these positions). On the Pressman front....he wont leave since he is the goalkeeping coach, he will just be phased out of the squad
  2. N

    Goalkeeping Crisis?

    When is Walker getting back because from what I heard Taylor was having another dodgy match??
  3. N

    QPR Match Thread

    Think cigarettes and beer are needed after that!
  4. N

    QPR Match Thread

    Thank f*ck for that!
  5. N

    QPR Match Thread

    Standard back to the wall last 10 mins :( Not too promising!
  6. N

    QPR Match Thread

    Sounds like we're lucky to be winning!Following the match on Soccer Special (SKY) and sounds like West Ham are even more inconsistent than us! The only difference is that they get a few more wins....Think we can hold out today?
  7. N

    QPR Match Thread

    Checking this place out when should be doing exam revision! Good threads guys....but why is it that many strikers score for other teams but can't for us? Using Connolly as an example (Blake isn't a worthwhile talking point!)