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    O'brien not coming either

    What countries? If UK based what leagues?
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    'The New Breed'

    I don't get what you are trying to say TBPH. Not since Brian Little came in and started the upward turn can I remember being excitied about our potential. Levein has yet to drop a ricket in the transfer market and if you offer me the new breed over the old it isn't too hard a sell. To have...
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    Any idea how many tickets Celtic got?

    Just wondering if anyone knows how many Celtic are bringing on Tuesday night? I know they brought a sizeable bunch last time. Can't find any info anywhere and I am intregued to know if they still follow in massive numbers.
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    Dear Steve Lovell

    He's not really a chump is he? He'd have been a chump had he come down here and by December decided that he and his missus prefered it in Scotland a la Stevie Crawford and Plymouth last season. Clearly the deal wasn't about the money more his family.
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    We won't be signing any striker to be a relpacement for DC or MdV, it'll be some young raw kid who the management can coach into a player. That's what the deal with Strum was all about and with Lovell.
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    Lovell not coming

    Not always several times players have moved South of the Border only to return a few months later as their partners and wives couldn't settle. Don't underestimate the family value, the last thing you want is your immediate loved ones being upset all day everyday. No amount of money is worth that.
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    Jordan Stewart

    I disagree slightly there, I do think it's the fans job to let the players know if they are not doing the job. I don't mean the abuse thrown at Stewart last night, but by singing up someone when they are either playing badly or in need of a boot up the backside isn't the answer either. In fact...
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    Jordan Stewart

    He needs a kick up the backside that is for sure and as someone said on Foxes_Talk, he has got in to his own little comfort zone as there is little competition for his spot. He gets paid a lot of money to do a job and he appears to perform it in an arrogant manner for someone with limited...