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  1. TYRON

    Holloway's a C*NT

    Holloway never even gave it a go just like all his other games this season. A virtual debut CB in midfield with a genuine trained one, King available as weel as Weso. WTF Fryatt never even touched the ball, not that it would make any difference as he's totally forgotton how to score. Then...
  2. TYRON

    The Hooligan Championship Table

    How many of those, especially in the Public Disorder column are there because they dared to stand up and subsequently took offence when they were singled out from the many that were standing? I'm aware of 4 people being ejected for standing when they were one of many, there only crime was to be...
  3. TYRON

    Academy v Spurs

    Cracking game we matched them in the first half but their superior quality in terms of ability on the ball, pace, strength and team work enabled them to dominate the second half although we did get back into the game in the last ten minutes. 8 excellent goals and superb football from both teams.
  4. TYRON

    51 points up for grabs

    Re: 54 points up for grabs Well as we've only won 5, two of those were against Sheff U & Watford who were both in the top half at the time, Stoke was the second game of the season so the table's not too relevant; the other two being Cov & Sheff Weds both in the bottom half. It is a myth but...
  5. TYRON

    Wise to Covscum

    Wise = all that is wrong with modern day football, average ability, a big mouth (OK some of you think I have :icon_wink but I don't get paid £1000's a week) sucking the lifeblood out of the game as well as being as nasty a piece of work as you'd find anywhere in the game. Alledgedly :102...
  6. TYRON

    My chat with Tim....

    Well according to PFKAKTF FOX the smell of poo! You want more? Oh you Talking Ballers are so demanding :icon_lol:
  7. TYRON

    My chat with Tim....

    Maybe, but not because I post on Foxestalk or any other forum for that matter, they say it's something to do with age. :icon_cool
  8. TYRON

    My chat with Tim....

    If you insist. :icon_roll
  9. TYRON

    My chat with Tim....

    Err, and so was I hence the sarcastic :038: as well as the other smilies or did you fail to notice them :102: there, there :056:
  10. TYRON

    My chat with Tim....

    Very nice, you are obviously not as grown up as you think. If you purport to be better fans than others then you should be prepared to accept some criticism in return. I just find it incredible that you can criticise someone's spelling but ignore the blatant misspelling of the manager's name...
  11. TYRON

    My chat with Tim....

    It might have been more appropriate to do :018: that to Alex who can't even spell the Manager's name! :icon_roll How embarrassing, I bet Tim took his views seriously. Also as a member of the Foxes Trust why is he trying to denigrate fellow LCFC supporters just because they post on another forum...
  12. TYRON

    CL taking about new striker

    Some people on here have illusions of gradeur about LCFC or are just plain deluded - some of the suggestions are mind bogglingly stupid, or of course it could just be me!
  13. TYRON

    Get Levein Out!!!!!!!!!!

    True, but we hadn't looked like seriously scoring for the previous 70 minutes, so we had no reason to believe the next 20 would be any different. - You could've said that about the Crewe and Milwall games but we still came back and equalised and that was with ten men. Perhaps if the crowd had...
  14. TYRON

    Heaven Help the New Striker...

    whoever signs him and whoever he is. A lot of expectation is going to fall on his shoulders, unless he hits the back of the net from the off I wouldn't like to be in his footy boots. Under pressure - you bet :eek::eek::eek:
  15. TYRON

    Get Levein Out!!!!!!!!!!

    The Levein out chants started the minute the ball hit the back of the net for Norwich's goal. To me it seemed like they couldn't wait to start, it was almost as if they were well pleased that Norwich had scored so they could all sing their little song, which I might add they sang with more...
  16. TYRON

    transfer window

    Midnight tonight according to the BBC January is sure going to be draughty with it open :icon_cool
  17. TYRON

    another 4 changes....

    Some facts might not go amiss - Gerrbrand was ill, well that's the official line anyway:biggrin:
  18. TYRON

    Rumours - all of them in here

    I didn't know he'd indicated a CB, I'd be dissapointed if that's the case, I think we have sufficient cover there - PaddyMc, PaddyG, Nissa, Stearman, Kisnorbo, Dublin. We absolutely, without a doubt need a 'ready to play' left back.
  19. TYRON

    Millwall Match Thread.

    2-0 to LCFC, if Nissa at left back 2-1
  20. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    No but you obviously where as you can't accept someone has a different opinion to you, unless of course this forum as a matter of principle doesn't allow people having different opinions as part of its rules, sorry if I missed that when I read them. Of course you're absolutely right Nissa has...
  21. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    Oh come on, what a lame response, admit it your critiscism of me was totally unjustified, as I specifically quoted the left back position I would have thought that would have been obvious to anyone, but your obviously not anyone. :biggrin:
  22. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    Does alter what I said, I stated something, you came on and questioned it, I'm just defending my statement with facts. That's makes you the argumentative one :018:
  23. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    My quote: So you leave me unconvinced, besides I've seen him play so I'll make my own judgements, as a left back in the Championship he's crap. Can't you read?
  24. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    You could say that, but note two things it takes two to have an argument, I just stated my opinion you're the one that questioned it. In my book that makes you the argumentative one. :icon_wink:098:
  25. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    Isn't that what I've been saying?
  26. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    Well the Burnley game is hardly a recommendation As for the Sheffield game he was responsible for at least one of the goals against I also remember CL giving him a public dressing down after one performance at left back. So you leave me unconvinced, besides I've seen him play so I'll make my...
  27. TYRON


    Certainly would! I'm not that desperate, you obviously are :icon_razz
  28. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    Please name the four games, just for the record like.
  29. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    So crap that we lost to Burnley home & away 1-0 with Nissa at left back in both games he was subbed after 54/69 minutes He was also left back when we beat Cov 2-1. As I recall he was at fault for all 3 goals. He provides no support to the winger going forward, he hoofs the ball more often than...
  30. TYRON

    Team Vs Millwall

    Considering one of the biggest moans about CL is that he doesn't know his best team I'm amazed at how many of you think there should be wholesale changes. Rab Maybury Paddy M Paddy G Stearman, please not Nissa he's crap there and has proved several times Sylla Kiso Joey Smith Hammond Hume...
  31. TYRON

    Pre-contracts: will we lose players?

    He was appalling last season until he found out no one else wanted him.
  32. TYRON


    She's always been ugly and a tart, calling her a drag queen is praise indeed:098:
  33. TYRON

    Crewe Match Thread

    Perhaps you should check a few facts before you make these derogatory accusation, if he had no other options he can't be accused of being naive and if you think Tiatto at left back is a viable option, then it's you who are being naive, he would have off even quicker than Sheehan. I do realise...
  34. TYRON

    Crewe Match Thread

    Given away, that implies nothing in return do you know something nobody else knows? you should be less casual with your statements, especially when they are conjecture and not facts!
  35. TYRON

    Crewe Match Thread

    How can it be naive?
  36. TYRON

    Crewe Match Thread

    Perhaps because he's a left back! Perhaps because he was the Academy Player of the Season at the club's 2005 awards ceremony! Perhaps because he has made appearances for his country at under 19s level! Perhaps because he was also called up by the Irish FA to attend a training camp before making...
  37. TYRON

    Crewe Match Thread

    Season setting formation at the back, if Stearman works well with Gerrbrand and Sheehan has a good game they could be hard to shift.
  38. TYRON

    Rooney Scores?

  39. TYRON

    Firefox Help

    Anything that tries to take over your PC and spies on everything you do with the intention of bombarding you with things of most interest to you. I recently had a spate of it where I kept getting pop ups saying I'd got spyware and then offering me the chance to get rid of it with some spyware...
  40. TYRON

    Firefox Help

    Sounds like spyware, which IE is particularly prone to, give these guys a visit - CastleCops They should be able to help you!