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  1. W

    To our moron fans

  2. W

    To our moron fans

    just to please you all i will now write in full english happy now are we?
  3. W

    To our moron fans

    that explains it
  4. W

    To our moron fans

    y wud i hate men
  5. W

    To our moron fans

    uve lost me what are you on about?
  6. W

    To our moron fans

    not related at all just someone who knows him well
  7. W

    To our moron fans

    no im not
  8. W

    To our moron fans

    well if its an if a very big if in my eyes that jobber was indeed 1 of the ones throwing bottles surely one match out of however many hes been to following City home and away should not justify his label as a hooligan
  9. W

    To our moron fans

    Very well said! and i agree with everything said!
  10. W

    To our moron fans

    it didnt look that way i just didnt wanna upset anyone more than i already have by someone suddenly thinking im saying it was fine they were throwing bottles that easily could of hurt other people
  11. W

    To our moron fans

    im not condoning the bottle throwing please dont get me wrong!
  12. W

    To our moron fans

    opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to them i just wanted to come on here and clear up the fact hes being made out to be a hooligan that hes not! Bt i understand very few if any of you will change your opinion and maybe id be the same if i didnt know him!
  13. W

    To our moron fans

    well said!
  14. W

    To our moron fans

    its always other people making him out to be this heroic fan tho not once will you hear him in any interview hes ever done or any conversation hes ever had say anything about being a heroic fan hes just dedicated to his team like the rest of us! He cant b blamed for people making him out to be a...
  15. W

    To our moron fans

    i didnt mean to suggest your understanding me i know better than to believe any of you will change your opinions on him as you all seem to be set against him and what he represents but im just trying to get some of you to see hes not what hes being made out to be
  16. W

    To our moron fans

    well thanks im glad to hear someones beginning to understand
  17. W

    To our moron fans

    i never said he was an angel
  18. W

    To our moron fans

    for starters Jobber doesnt crave the positive comments from those who love what he does its other people who make him out to be this heroic fan and it actually fustrates him that many people fail to see hes just a normal fan like the rest of us! nobody is asking anyone to appriciate what he does...
  19. W

    To our moron fans

    you say hes annoying? what about him annoys you? have you even ever spoken to him? or are you just judging him on the person you think he is like too many people appear to do!
  20. W

    To our moron fans

    thats another thing - it was the clubs decision to move the drum to the kop so maybe a few of you should take a step back and stop blaming Jobber for all these things you dont like about this club just because he's well known
  21. W

    To our moron fans

    so thats what it comes down to not the fact you think he cant drum just the fact you dont like the decision so will slate anyone who tries to create a much need atmosphere home and away
  22. W

    To our moron fans

    well if your so set against it why dont you take up the role next season and then we will see what happens wont we
  23. W

    To our moron fans

    the swimming hat and goggles was in fact nothing to do with the trouble if any of you were at Barnsley you may have noticed he had them on there aswel the theme being - keeping our heads above water!
  24. W

    To our moron fans

    when the club appealed for a drummer and nobody came forward he was contacted to see if he knew of anyone who would be willing when he said he didnt he was asked if he would
  25. W

    To our moron fans

    Boy Genius - yes i was in the concourse before the match but then like any other person with sense who didnt want to get caught up in what was happening i went into the stands - problem solved out the way let them do what they want to do left to hurt only themselves and each other
  26. W

    To our moron fans

    that brings me onto another subject Jobber gets slated week in and week out for drumming when actually the club asked him to do it not the other way round and he does it because he wants to build an atmosphere at matches which is what i thought we all wanted?
  27. W

    To our moron fans

    i did read the thread from beginning bt bocadillo asked if i was sayin he wasnt involved in the trouble at half time so i answered that!!! before the match yes he did go into the ground with them but then not long after that he was in the stand watching the warm up and i know this because i...
  28. W

    To our moron fans

    he was on the concourse at half time bt by the time the worst of the trouble had started i know for a fact he was in his seat as he spoke to Tim Davies the ex chief exectutive at half time!
  29. W

    To our moron fans

    ive just joined this forum n noticed this thread about the goings on at stoke! I notice Jobber is gettin a bit of a slating an as i guessed many of u have said uve never spoken 2 him so i think its unfair of u 2 sit there saying the things ur sayin wen u dont know a thing about the person he...