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  1. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    about 100
  2. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Re: If you date Holloway - read this yes, we can do that
  3. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Re: If you date Holloway - read this I never knew this would provoke such a reaction, basically if you want a holloway mask, turn up at the Blackpool game, near the front of the ground, and... [BLATANT SPAMMING REMOVED - IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS, YOU NEED TO OBTAIN OFFICIAL...
  4. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Nope I'm not 15, and i'm not very young
  5. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Anyone who wants 1 just take 1 from us when we hand them out on saturday. They are 100% free and we're handing them out because we want to have a laugh, and get as many supporters to join in. But with you insisting on it, maybe we should charge for them..... :icon_wink
  6. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    They're FREE, with no add-ons or anything. Me and my mates are not doing this too make a profit, we're just handing them out to anyone that wants 1 before the game.
  7. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    You don't have to pay anything, the reason I posted this thread was to see how many people would wear 1, I'm not trying to get anyone to pay anything for them, me and my mates just thought it would be fun wearing them, but we want more people to wear them, so it looks better, so we thought we'd...
  8. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    No, there is no catch.
  9. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    that was the point of this thread - to see whether it is worth going through the hassle of printing a load out and handing them out, to find out how many people would actually take 1.
  10. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    The masks won't cost anything, they'll be handed out for free to anyone that wants one.
  11. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    We were going to hand them out for free on saturday, but we just wanted to see how many people would actually wear them, there's no point in doing it if only a few people wear them.
  12. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Was going to hand them out for free
  13. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    At the end of the day, he got us relegated, so thats why we're wearing them
  14. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Yeh ok,
  15. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Come on, it would be a laugh:081:
  16. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    Upon further research, it was mutual consent. Barry Hayles, Gabor Bori, Zsolt Lacszo are a few of many terrible players that he signed
  17. L

    If you hate Holloway - read this

    I and many other people have recently been discussing the game against Blackpool this Saturday, which marks the return Of Ian Holloway, the manager that got us relegated to league 1 for the only time in the clubs history, signed some of LCFC's worst players ever and then quit us when we got...