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  1. Claudio_14


    Is IMO what we lack compared to most teams, and when going forward we're just too slow!, isn't obvious why we simply don't score enough goals!. This is an area we should focus alot on when buying players for next season, whatever league we're in. With the possible exception of players like...
  2. Claudio_14

    I Think we all know now!!....

    That after todays result & how crucial it might prove to be, come the end of the season, RK has to be named manager till the end of the season. What happens after that is anybodies guess, IMO i think we shuld go for newell after the end of the season (especially if he continues 2 lose himself &...
  3. Claudio_14

    Does anybody know how to win a game?.....

    Why? Why,Why,Why? how the helll did we lose that game. Stoke were crap we wer'nt that bad....:102: But i'm just getting the feeling that: We have to play a team off the park from top 2 bottom to actually win a fr***ing game. Stoke: 4-2 Super dc won 4 us single handedly Sheff wed: 2-0...
  4. Claudio_14


    Apart from connolly's hat-rick ealier on in the season, i thought that gerrbrand's performance vs Southampton was the best of the season! I think we might have a new stevie walsh on the cards?!:icon_lol: I mite b gettin abit carried away but i think he looks pretty good!:102: Please...