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  1. T

    Football manager 2008

    Is the answer to that not fairly obvious?
  2. T

    The Foxes Talk Thread

    No chips on my shoulder, mate. If there were though, I'd probably enjoy them with a pinch of salt. A few others around here could do with taking that bit of advice...
  3. T

    Going Down?

  4. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Just as well, really.
  5. T

    The Foxes Talk Thread

    Blimey - there are a lot of people here with chips on their shoulder.
  6. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Haven't heard anything of Ultra, but assume he's still a complete cock. ps you can read my aura any day, big boy.
  7. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    If you're going to call others on their spelling, you might like to check that yours is perfect. Cognative indeed! :icon_razz:icon_razz:icon_razz Try again.
  8. T

    Super Long User Names

    Me twoii, you forii! Your spectacles make you appear funny!
  9. T

    Super Long User Names

    The actual amount of effort is fairly irrelevant. The fact that you feel that it is worth a thread was sufficient for me to question whether it was worthwhile. I've now expended more time and effort on it myself than I'd care to. Apologies if I've caused any offence, I certainly didn't...
  10. T

    Super Long User Names

    You sir, can be my friend. That is how fickle and easily impressed I am.
  11. T

    Super Long User Names

    Hardly the point. Still, I can't see any point in going on with this, so I'll leave you grumpies to it.
  12. T

    Super Long User Names

    Someone went to the effort of starting a thread about it, so it must have irked them sufficiently to spend the time doing so? Personally, it's not something I'd kick up a fuss about. Still, each to their own.
  13. T

    People That Piss You Off

    The girl who rings every day from BusinessMobiles4u or whatever they are called to try to sell me mobiles on the pretence that I requested a call from her. Oh and my secretary who puts the fking call through every sodding time!
  14. T

    Super Long User Names

    If this is the biggest annoyance of your day then I truly envy you guys!
  15. T

    Loan Signings

    That's hugely optimistic for a Smiths fan!
  16. T

    Super Long User Names

    Or try growing up? :102:
  17. T

    What Are You Listening To Now?

    Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness. Takes me back to being about 14.
  18. T

    Football manager 2008

    Could you please pm me details? Cheers.
  19. T

    What do you Drive?

    Someone nearly pranged mine this morning. Effing women KA drivers. After almost reversing in to me, she finally stopped after I'd beeped her about 3 times and proceeded to put the car in to first gear, presumably lose control of the clutch and bunny-hop in to the car parked in front...
  20. T

    Scunthorpe Match Thread

    Ball sacks, I had money on Kiso first scorer... nothing is going our way it seems. I've spent the last hour trying to get the game streamed, but everything advertised as Scun v Leic, is actually clips of an Arsenal v Bolton game.
  21. T

    What do you Drive?

    Jealousy is a terrible thing.
  22. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    To his credit, he did call the song 'Bob' so it does work. Sort of. I like your effort though, I think you should write it...
  23. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    It's a song of palindromes called 'Bob' by Weird Al Yankovic. To the tune of Subterranean Homesick Blues - in fact, the music video mimics that famous video too.
  24. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    I, man, am regal a German am I Never odd or even If I had a hi-fi Madam, I'm Adam Too hot to hoot No lemons, no melon Too bad I hid a boot Lisa Bonet ate no basil Warsaw was raw Was it a car or a cat I saw? Rise to vote, sir Do geese see God? "Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I...
  25. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    I find all the flavours to be horrid and also dislike the way they get stuck in your teeth. To be avoided.
  26. T

    What do you Drive?

    That was funny the first time I heard it. Funny enough, he had a shit car too.
  27. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Aha the Evil Thraciaganda machine jerks in to poetic, meaningless action.
  28. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Phew, since the decline of the African donkey-ball-sucking hare, I thought the poor donkeys weren't getting any oral love. You've put my mind at rest Nathan.. and to cap it all, you're almost palindromic. Man, I love a palindrome as much as the next man and even more than the man after that.
  29. T

    What do you Drive?

    MR2 Roadster. Black. W reg. Clearly I'm enjoying the current rainy season....
  30. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Without wanting to add any fuel to the childish 'which forum is best' deba... nay... not debate, erm... blitherings, foxestalk really isn't that bad. Unfortunately, the unsavoury elements of the place have been given a license to behave exactly as they please. I come in peace though - just I...
  31. T

    Football manager 2008

    You're a good man, sir. Might I add, something of a martyr too, should it poison your computer.
  32. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Stands to reason, cheers mate.
  33. T

    Bolton Want Megson

    That stands to reason, because I've got a whole brain and I saw it twice. Even Levi Porter nearly worked it out.
  34. T

    Loan Signings

    Re: Loan Signing's That's what we'll tell him. Then we'll blindfold him, drive him to Castle Levein, position Elvis outside the portcullis, ring on the doorbell (?) and make a quick getaway. Who's with me?
  35. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Speaking of which, I wonder why my girlfriend didn't make me any lunch this morning. I hope she hasn't left me for one only half as ugly.
  36. T

    Football manager 2008

    How long till there is a pirated version we can all 'get on' like some cheap, not-long-dead, confirmed-reasonably-disease-free, hussy?
  37. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    I'm neither a a bird, or a 'bird'. I'm a 23 year old male. As for the second part of your question, I'm not going to share details of my anatomy or of my political agenda until at least post #83. Look out for it folks, it'll be a cracker.
  38. T

    Bolton Want Megson

    Because Gartside is a bit of an idiot.
  39. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    Are you saying that thebirdwithjustonewing is nonsensical? I bite my thumb at you sir.
  40. T

    Good Afternoon Talking Balls

    His moniker or Harmonica? Is he/she a he or a she?