Apple Mac or windows PC?

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Boy Genius

Are Apple Macs worth thinking about, are they better than windows based PC's?
Are Apple Macs worth thinking about, are they better than windows based PC's?

My opinion is that there is far more software (free as well as paid for) that is available for the PC so that is where I stay.

Can you install Linux on a Mac? That may be a clincher for me too.
Depends what you are using it for really. If you just want a basic browsing/word processing machine then a PC will be cheaper and you won't have a learning curve. Historically Macs were generally used for high end graphics work, though a decent PC can easily match them for this now.
As with all Apple products, they look bloody superb.
Macs are for toffs

City fans should run PCs
You need to keep them clean.

Otherwise people tend to get abusive about your proclivities.
I wash my proclivities every day
My opinion is that there is far more software (free as well as paid for) that is available for the PC so that is where I stay.

I struggle to think of any benefit for paying over the odds for a Mac compared to a Windows PC.

Can you install Linux on a Mac? That may be a clincher for me too.

You can, yes.

As with all Apple products, they look bloody superb.

...and as with all Apple products, they're a triumph of design over usability.
If you purchase a macbook and you needed it for games at one point you could always use bootcamp to run Windows Vista on it they are more than capable. Used to have a ibook G4 myself. Virus free also.
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If you purchase a macbook and you needed it for games at one point you could always use bootcamp to run Windows Vista on it they are more than capable. Used to have a ibook G4 myself. Virus free also.

They're not virus free.
There are less viruses that affect MacOS than Windows, but they are definitely not virus free.
They're are less because no-one bothers with the wank machines.
They're not virus free.
There are less viruses that affect MacOS than Windows, but they are definitely not virus free.
I think it was more a general comment about the fact that he has no STD's, he just felt the need to share - but when you consider what he looks like (especially on Sky Sports2) then, until an infection can be caught from a toilet seat, that is the way he'll stay.

To be honest - I don't pay my Sky subscription to see his bloody face on my TV. I think a letter of complaint is in order.
If you like Apples styling and the product etc then get one and as Fludie says (this feels weird) use bootcamp to install a windows platform on it.
If you purchase a macbook and you needed it for games at one point you could always use bootcamp to run Windows Vista on it they are more than capable. Used to have a ibook G4 myself. Virus free also.

whats with the games obsession? Who in their right mind would want a laptop for playing fecking games on?
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