Benazir Bhutto

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I'm concerned about the aftermath, both religious and political.

The aftermath will only be what those that are participating in this want it to be. What I mean by that is there is no pre-ordained aftermath, good or bad. :icon_conf
The aftermath will only be what those that are participating in this want it to be. What I mean by that is there is no pre-ordained aftermath, good or bad. :icon_conf
You're not expecting a civilian backlash?
I think you got away with it Melts - foxin_oz must be sleeping now :icon_wink

I was. Just woke up to the news. Shocking. Mind you they had a go before so it was always on the cards in that country. Religious fanatics certainly have a lot to answer for. Bunch of nutters really. Melts got it right. By the way, has anyone seen my megaphone. Hope I didn't leave in the park ... :icon_bigg
Its a shame that people dont want to see democracy these days... she seemed decent enough, but I guess saying that if she got into power she would let american soldiers cross the border to pursue al-quaeda into pakistan didnt help her much (btw I am not saying I agree with what has happened to her, it was just something mentioned on the news this evening. I do in fact think it is a shame she is not in power and will not have that chance now..just covering my arse for all eventualities)
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You're not expecting a civilian backlash?

A civilian backlash is exactly what they want.
It gives Musharref the excuse he needs to reinstate martial law plus a strong, militaristic, undemocratic government in Pakistan is exactly what overlord Bush wants.
Still, it removes one crap possible signing for January.

I really didn't fancy the idea of watching her play right wing-back.
had her in my death list that we did on xmas eve


wouldn't be surprised if Musharraf did it, it happened in HIS garrison town, Rawalpindi. or at least turned a blind eye to it
had her in my death list that we did on xmas eve


wouldn't be surprised if Musharraf did it, it happened in HIS garrison town, Rawalpindi. or at least turned a blind eye to it

If not Musharraf then someone with links to him, the Pakistani Army or ISI. Corrupt to the core. :icon_conf
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