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Hasn't he just taken a job with Ireland? Why the hell would he want the stress of relegation battle at his age?

I'll bare my arse in Debenhams window if this is true... unless you all beg me not to :icon_lol:
What's happening regarding the vacant manager position?

Where's Mad Biker when you need him?
I have a friend at work , who's mate works down at LCFC . And Sir Bobby has been contacted requarding the job till the end of the season. His role with the ROI is very part time , and with them not in the world cup . He has very little to do . The LCFC job will see him through to the Euro .
rocketman said:
I have a friend at work , who's mate works down at LCFC . And Sir Bobby has been contacted requarding the job till the end of the season. His role with the ROI is very part time , and with them not in the world cup . He has very little to do . The LCFC job will see him through to the Euro .

My mates cousins sisters boyfriend goes to a pub with Alex Fergusons cousing brothers mother, who also knows Abromavic, aparantly they've both been contacted and have said yes?!:038:
If we were to give Bobby Robson a contract until the end of the season, I doubt he'd see it out - he drop down feckin dead after seeing our defending!
My nephews friend sisters brothers cousin (twice removed) knows a man whose auntie's next door neighbours brother-in-laws best friends mate works with a guy who once spoke to a woman whose husband spoke to Neil Warnock and can confirm he is a Grade One Aresehole.
highland fox said:
My nephews friend sisters brothers cousin (twice removed) knows a man whose auntie's next door neighbours brother-in-laws best friends mate works with a guy who once spoke to a woman whose husband spoke to Neil Warnock and can confirm he is a Grade One Aresehole.

Mine is more accurate, a bit less removed than yours!
highland fox said:
My nephews friend sisters brothers cousin (twice removed) knows a man whose auntie's next door neighbours brother-in-laws best friends mate works with a guy who once spoke to a woman whose husband spoke to Neil Warnock and can confirm he is a Grade One Aresehole.

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3Aston Villa00
13Manchester C  00
14Manchester U00
16Nottm F00
18Tottenham 00
19West Ham00