How Are People Feeling Today?

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My wisdom teeth have started to poke through and they're giving me right jip. Coupled with that I've developed a twitch in my right eye over the last few days which is also getting to be of great annoyance.
I just went McDonalds and bought a Large Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal, a Large 6 Chicken McNuggets Meal, a cheeseburger, and 2 cans of Coke Zero for 32.50 zł. That works out to about £6.50. Bargain!

Did you not get anything for the missus, you hungry ****er?
Hardly an appropriate way to prepare for the big game next weekend.
I just went McDonalds and bought a Large Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal, a Large 6 Chicken McNuggets Meal, a cheeseburger, and 2 cans of Coke Zero for 32.50 zł. That works out to about £6.50. Bargain!

The beauties of Poland.

The last day of a week I spent there, we virtually played Supermarket Sweep around Tesco's with the money we had left over.

Also had a bit of episode in McDonalds there too with some odd witch woman who I was blatantly laughing at but trying to disguise my laughter into choking.

Ironic thing about that whole meeting was that she informed us of some bus number for which we could catch from the hotel to the train station. We ignored her, jumped on the tram expecting to pay a conductor except you were supposed to buy tickets from newsagents based at each stop....they fined us. Walked to the station after being forced off the tram....there was that ****ing bus.
My wisdom teeth have started to poke through and they're giving me right jip.

You lucky, lucky bastard. I have impacted wisdom teeth and every few years the twats try and poke through, get stuck on other teeth that had a prior claim to the position and give me fecking agony.

I repeat. You lucky, lucky bastard :icon_wink

Coupled with that I've developed a twitch in my right eye over the last few days which is also getting to be of great annoyance.

All downhill from here you know!
I am once againn ecompletelyt imntoxicated. Mty god I feel ****ing horrible. Only cvame online to lisytrn to muisic but ended up on here talking yo you ****ers. I am ognna feel like feath in the miornign
my god .

p.s. rob ertGreen is a complete areswipe.
I am once againn ecompletelyt imntoxicated. Mty god I feel ****ing horrible. Only cvame online to lisytrn to muisic but ended up on here talking yo you ****ers. I am ognna feel like feath in the miornign
my god .

p.s. rob ertGreen is a complete areswipe.

I am once againn ecompletelyt imntoxicated. Mty god I feel ****ing horrible. Only cvame online to lisytrn to muisic but ended up on here talking yo you ****ers. I am ognna feel like feath in the miornign
my god .

p.s. rob ertGreen is a complete areswipe.

How are YOU feeling today? Rough I imagine. especially since you said you were never drinking again... :icon_lol:
MHS said:
I am once againn ecompletelyt imntoxicated. Mty god I feel ****ing horrible. Only cvame online to lisytrn to muisic but ended up on here talking yo you ****ers. I am ognna feel like feath in the miornign
my god .

p.s. rob ertGreen is a complete areswipe.
Have started clearing out junk we've both collected over the past 8 years, done one tip run already and now I'm taking a coffee break from sorting through more boxes of random junk that were shoved into the small cupboard-sized room where the boiler is, most of that is mine so it's all going in the bin( apart from my Wembley 94 flag which I found rolled up!)

Then theres someplace to put Bens boxes of stuff til he moves out in two weeks.After that I'm tackling the wardobe and being ruthless in sorting clothes out that I haven't worn in the past year, Ben can sort his out this arvo when he gets home so I can watch the footie in peace!

Ok, coffee and put dinner on and then 10 mins before back at it!
FFS!! I hate this fecking laptop. That last post was me btw, I had logged in once this morning but this stupid machine keeps logging me out every time I go away from the site to another tab. I want my pc back!! Don't care if it was falling to bits it was mine and it bloody worked and I didn't have any trouble with this sort of thing on there! Plus this crappy piece of kit won't let me sort my Edinburgh photos out properly so I have to do it whilst tryin g to upload to FB and then after going through the upload it tells me it can't upload them cos of summat to do with the server? WTF???

I WANT MY COMPUTER BACK COS ITS DOING MY NUT IN! (Plus I have to keep logging in and out of places cos tbh I don't want my passwords saved on Bens computer. In fact, I don't want my passwords saved on any computer apart from mine!)

Anyone know where I can get a pc from for about 12p? Cos that's about me limit, and if my budget means I'm stuck in home every night for bloody months I need to be able to do summat!

Yes I'm pissed off now...and I can't be arsed to sort any more stuff out, it can lie around in boxes all over the place as far as I'm concerned, I'm opening a bottle of vino!
Have started clearing out junk we've both collected over the past 8 years, done one tip run already and now I'm taking a coffee break from sorting through more boxes of random junk that were shoved into the small cupboard-sized room where the boiler is, most of that is mine so it's all going in the bin( apart from my Wembley 94 flag which I found rolled up!)

Then theres someplace to put Bens boxes of stuff til he moves out in two weeks.After that I'm tackling the wardobe and being ruthless in sorting clothes out that I haven't worn in the past year, Ben can sort his out this arvo when he gets home so I can watch the footie in peace!

Ok, coffee and put dinner on and then 10 mins before back at it!

I just went McDonalds and bought a Large Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal, a Large 6 Chicken McNuggets Meal, a cheeseburger, and 2 cans of Coke Zero for 32.50 zł. That works out to about £6.50. Bargain!

Let me get this are in Krakow and you went to MacDonalds!?:icon_conf
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