Post Match Leicester 4 Plymouth 0

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I'm not really that bothered anymore. It's great we are doing so well and it's nice to see something different with Enzo's approach. The problem is, football has just gone a bit shit hasn't it. The heart and soul has been ripped out of the game in recent years. Corrupt billionaires and officials, VAR, continued social media bullshit... I really can't be arsed with it. **** 'em all.
This is kind of how I feel as well. It’s great that we scored 4 today, but when getting a ticket is a shitshow and football is where it is… I’d rather spend my money elsewhere.

For example, spending a couple of hours going karting with a few mates. Cheaper, funnier, and likely to be enjoyable.
I am

Told my old man today, very difficult convo after a lifetime spent down there together.

25000 others need to make the same selfless decision so some passion can be injected back in by people who want to be there rather than those who just go out of habit.

Dead support
Personally I completely empathise with how you’re feeling and I hope you find your way back eventually.
The first game I didn't watch this season and we go and score 4! Anyway, people who leave early are obviously not really interested in the football. It happens in Spain, but perhaps not as bad. A family of 4 used to have seats next to me, would always arrived 15-20 minutes late and left 10-15 minutes early, whatever the score. They probably blame traffic, but don't have any real passion for going.
It's perhaps similar to the large number of people going to music concerts and being more interested in posting selfies than actually listening to the music. It's a modern concept of just attending and letting that be known to others, and not really having any real interest.
The first game I didn't watch this season and we go and score 4! Anyway, people who leave early are obviously not really interested in the football. It happens in Spain, but perhaps not as bad. A family of 4 used to have seats next to me, would always arrived 15-20 minutes late and left 10-15 minutes early, whatever the score. They probably blame traffic, but don't have any real passion for going.
It's perhaps similar to the large number of people going to music concerts and being more interested in posting selfies than actually listening to the music. It's a modern concept of just attending and letting that be known to others, and not really having any real interest.
An excellent point
Jeeze if only we could go back to the Craig Levein Rob Kelly, Ian Holloway era… I sat through those miserable times and kept going.

I have to admit I have barely been to the KP in the past fourteen years or so as been overseas.

Last time I went was Newcastle at home, I put the crap atmosphere down to me being surrounded by Geordies in hospitality seats and we were 2-Nill down after 5 mins.
Can I ask - What’s the point in carrying on this conversation week after week?

Football in general suffers from most of the issues mentioned in here, so it’s not unique to us.

Specifically on the style of football, by now we understand some people have an issue with this and some don’t and that’s fine. We don’t need to hammer those who feel differently about it to ourselves.
It was nice to see Sol Bamba and Steve Howard at half time.

(Mind you, most people had probably gone home by then).
They got a really Tinpot reception from the crowd.
But here is the thing that made my blood boil today.….

Plymouth fans came in their thousands from a squillionty miles away to watch their dogshit team get outplayed completely. But they sang and sang and sang and sang, right through to the very end.
Watched it on a stream and my wife ( who always watches with me) commented that it sounded like the fans are really cheering on the team - I pointed out that it wasn't our fans loudly singing "....Green and White Army" for the last 15 minutes of the match. Still, agree with Homer, full credit to the away support.

PS. great to see Albrighton putting in a few crosses again.
The PA system is so rubbish that I’m surprised anyone could make out what was being said.

Was difficult and Birch is clearly struggling now
travelling back from Germany managed to catch the second half via a feed. I really felt we could have scored 7 or 8 but we just eased up on them.
I would love us to absolutely batter someone and put the fear of God into the likes of Ipswich and Leeds.
I think Enzo had some strong words at half time? Great result and good to see players coming back from injury, hopefully we will not be too weakened by the ACON.
Great performance - blew Plymouth away in the 2nd half, when we were far more ruthless. We could've gone into HT level or even behind, but for a combination of casualness and poor finishing. Last 30 mins was dull but fully understand why - game was won, a raft of substitutions and then slow the pace down further to conserve energy. Really good game management with a game on Wednesday - a shame so many supporters recognized that and thought it fit to leave, but hey, you can't please everyone.
Have a look at Daka’s goal .
He plays a 1-2 with our keeper
Their defender goes with him
Daka then turns and puts the afterburners on, to leave the defender in his wake .
He then gets to the pass from Fatawu, takes the ball in his stride and scores a very nice goal.

Neither a present day Vardy or Nacho could do that.
Have a look at Daka’s goal .
He plays a 1-2 with our keeper
Their defender goes with him
Daka then turns and puts the afterburners on, to leave the defender in his wake .
He then gets to the pass from Fatawu, takes the ball in his stride and scores a very nice goal.

Neither a present day Vardy or Nacho could do that.
Both have been dropping that deep at times and playing the 1-2 with Mads or Vesty (for example), but they’ve not been making the run and it has often been Mavididi or KDH making the run to fill that gap.
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