Moving to Bristol

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Profondo Rosso

Well-Known Member
New job in Bristol starting on the 26th which means moving down there next week. Can anyone tell me about the place, I've never been before in my life?

Also, I'm not going to be having internet connection down there (as I really can't afford it and I've wanted to kind of kick the internet habit for a hile), so that means I'm not going to be coming on tb anymore as of next week (so you can celebrate, BG.)
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At least the number of pretentious wankers to normals will decrease though. :icon_wink

I might still pop in from time to time as well if I come home at xmas or through some local library computers occasionally. Just won't be coming on very much that's all.
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At least the number of pretentious wankers to normals will decrease though. :icon_wink

I might still pop in from time to time as well if I come home at xmas or through some local library computers occasionally. Just won't be coming on very much that's all.

My brother lives in Bedminster, right by BCFC, not the nicest area to be honest but cheaper and an easy walk for a night out or working in the centre. Bristol City centre is nice, the area around the docks is good for a night out. You'll find Bristol more expensive than Leicester for rent etc.

If I was going to move there I'd be looking at Westbury, The Downs or Clifton area to be honest but they are not the cheapest and a bit out of town.
You saved that link for almost a whole year? Obviously it didn't bother you at all :icon_wink

Which links have you got saved? :icon_bigg
You saved that link for almost a whole year? Obviously it didn't bother you at all :icon_wink

and that really bothers me too.

anyway since that remark, several other posters are quite capable of taking PRs place.
If I was going to move there I'd be looking at Westbury, The Downs or Clifton area to be honest but they are not the cheapest and a bit out of town.

I'm moving to Redfield. Know much about that area? Nice or a bit of a scumhole?
I'm moving to Redfield. Know much about that area? Nice or a bit of a scumhole?

Don't really know the area that well, my older brother has lived in Bristol for most of his life and my older sister lived there for a long time (it's where my dad settled after a divorce) but I was brought up in Monmouth and Newport.
Nope, Redfield.

No probs, a good mate of mine lived for a few years in Redland and I went for many an enjoyable weekend down there. Not heard of Redfield though so can't offer much help I'm afraid.

FWIW I like Bristol and I'd struggle to think of many large cities that don't have both good and bad areas so I can't see that it's any different to many other places in that respect.
I had a really nice evening here back in June, not cheap but value for money. We were celebrating so racked up a huge bill but had a great meal and lots of wine, coffees and cognac.
(it's where my dad settled after a divorce)
My commiserations.

It must of been have been a harrowing experience that no child should have to endure, and has probably left an indelible scar which you may never recover from.

But enough about Newport, did your dad remarry?
My commiserations.

It must of been have been a harrowing experience that no child should have to endure, and has probably left an indelible scar which you may never recover from.

But enough about Newport, did your dad remarry?

That's an interesting story, yes my Dad did remarry, he married the ex-wife of my step-dad (in effect it was a wife swap), my family is a total mess but what do you expect when you mix people from Newport with people from Coventry.
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