Neighbour smoking the pot

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Our neighbour has started smoking weed outside his front door and in his back garden. I am not against people smoking weed but it means that we have to shut all of our back windows when he does and daren't leave the nursery window open as we have the new baby. What are our options for getting him to stop?

I appreciate having a neighbourly chat would be ideal but he's a big bastard and doesn't look like he would welcome a conversation; I don't think we've said one word to each other since we moved back in.
If he's the aggressive type then calling the police will do no good, assuming they managed to find something and even charge him it's unlikely he'd face a prison sentence or eviction order (assuming it's his own house). I think that a polite chat would be the best option, though it'd be up to you how to gauge the chat.

Perhaps a 'would you mind smoking at the bottom of the garden, we've got a baby you see' would be the best option?
Call him "dude" a lot and he'll be very receptive to your request Beights, HTH.
If he's the aggressive type then calling the police will do no good, assuming they managed to find something and even charge him it's unlikely he'd face a prison sentence or eviction order (assuming it's his own house). I think that a polite chat would be the best option, though it'd be up to you how to gauge the chat.

Perhaps a 'would you mind smoking at the bottom of the garden, we've got a baby you see' would be the best option?

I don't really want to get the police involved anyway as he isn't a bad neighbour other than this, he's quiet with no pets and doesn't have loads of parties. I'll just man up and talk to him, he might turn out to be OK.

It's not his house, his sister bought it (around the time we first moved in 4 years ago) and since then her friend and now him have rented it from her.
Generally speaking people smoking weed aren't hugely aggressive types, so you could well be surprised and find him to just be a gentle giant. But yeah, personally I feel that a friendly suggestion couldn't be interpreted wrongly, after all, you do have a child and even the most moronic of people would see the decent compromise in that scenario!
Generally speaking people smoking weed aren't hugely aggressive types
Myth. In fact, utter, utter bullshit. A ****ing lie asserted by weed smokers, dealers and liberal pricks who want to seem cool, and believed by people who don't know better because when they think of weed they immediately think of friendly stoned hippies eating Quavers or placid, motionless Rastas with bloodshot eyes. Don't get me wrong, I believe in free choice and all that - after all who am I to tell people what to do with their bodies? But the lie that all weed users are super chilled out dudes, man, has to stop. It's bollocks.

Source: have lived with and am related to several users, and they are all, without exception, ****s with above normal levels of aggression and paranoia.

PS. I'm currently listening to a song called Kushungpeng by Mikey Spice. Ha.
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Win his friendship by getting a tattoo, wearing a 'Dont tread on the grass, Maan' T-shirt and wearing Lennon glasses.

That way he will trust you and know you aren't The Man, maan.

Failing that, leave plates of munchies at the bottom of the garden and you'll soon condition him to remain there; substance abusers are similar to Labrador puppies. Labrador puppies with knives and guns, but easy to train.
Our neighbour has started smoking weed outside his front door and in his back garden. [...] What are our options for getting him to stop?

I appreciate having a neighbourly chat would be ideal

I don't think there is any other option than the one you already know about.
I can understand your concern but really a tiny bit of smoke that has been diluted by thousands of litres of fresh air by the time it enters your house is extremely unlikely to have any affect.
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I can understand your concern but really a tiny bit of smoke that has been diluted by thousands of litres of fresh air by the time it enters your house is extremely unlikely to have any affect.

I know that, but the smell is just as strong and I'd rather not have all of the clothes etc smelling of weed.
I know that, but the smell is just as strong and I'd rather not have all of the clothes etc smelling of weed.

Have you considered wrapping the house in a huge plastic tent? The kind of thing they use when removing asbestos from a building should do the trick
If communication don't work, next time he lights up, get the hose pipe on him.
See if he's smokin weed he'll be a chilled out dude, & will see the funny side. ;)
say to him "i seen a police car down here the other day, you wanna watch out that they don't smell that, it's well strong"
Have you manned up yet?
Be proper street on his ass, he may even start buying oxo cube/kitchen herbs 'doobies' from you. You're quids in and the little one is getting a tarragon infusion to sleep to. Sorted
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