Rossi the genuine genius

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Just had a brilliant weekend at Donington watching the genius that is Valentino Rossi satrt from 12th on the grid to finish second in the race. Did anyone esle see it?

Brilliant weather, loads of beer, cracking racing, sun burn.......shame the football let it down slightly well from what i remember of it anyway.
fcukcov said:
Just had a brilliant weekend at Donington watching the genius that is Valentino Rossi satrt from 12th on the grid to finish second in the race. Did anyone esle see it?

Brilliant weather, loads of beer, cracking racing, sun burn.......shame the football let it down slightly well from what i remember of it anyway.

Shit............ missed it through other things being more "important".

Was it good FCov? You lucky sod. Rossi is one I always look out for.
Boy Genius said:
Shit............ missed it through other things being more "important".

Was it good FCov? You lucky sod. Rossi is one I always look out for.
It was excellent mate. hoping to go to one abroad next year, possibly the czech one.
mitcho_uk said:
Great weekend. My cousin rides in the 125's. He is only 15 but has just signed a deal with Honda. Jammy Git.
how did he get on? Was gonna stop to watch him but wnated to get away to avoid the queues to get out.
mitcho_uk said:
He finished 12th. Not bad for a 15 year old, still 11 better than him though lol
I think he will be up there in a few years, we need a few more brits in the moto gp class. Im not sure ellison quite has the class to be a top rider.
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Another cracking race form the master today came from 12th to 7th in the first corner then went on to win the race. great race again today.

Not sure about the choice to wear the materazzi shirt at the end. Not sure if it was a concious effort to P**s the french off or whether to him it was just an italian shirt. either way its a good job the french race has already gone this season and i love the fact he will of managed to wind the french up. hehe
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