Stupid Gits!

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New Member
I just can't believe the moronic attidude of some of the posters on this forum. Green seats, away shirts, "our ground" etc etc.

At present City pay rent on a lease for the Walkers, Tigers rent Welford Road from the Council. Both clubs are to some extent, at the mercy of their landords.

Whats the point of paying rent on property when you will never get the benefits of ownership? Think of all the people who have rented houses over the last 5 years. The rent they have paid is effectivley gone for ever and now they find themselves priced out of buying a house!

Whats the point of running two stadiums where both are only used 25 days a year at their maximum capabilities?

The ground share is a unique opportunity to ensure the futures of both clubs!

Why should the club consult the fans when most of the objections would be on the side of stupidity!

What would the fans say if the present landords put up the rent at the end of the present lease to such an extent that finding money to build a decent team proved impossible?

Ground share is the only way forward. Trust me!
Purplehaze said:
I just can't believe the moronic attidude of some of the posters on this forum. Green seats, away shirts, "our ground" etc etc.

At present City pay rent on a lease for the Walkers, Tigers rent Welford Road from the Council. Both clubs are to some extent, at the mercy of their landords.

Whats the point of paying rent on property when you will never get the benefits of ownership? Think of all the people who have rented houses over the last 5 years. The rent they have paid is effectivley gone for ever and now they find themselves priced out of buying a house!

Whats the point of running two stadiums where both are only used 25 days a year at their maximum capabilities?

The ground share is a unique opportunity to ensure the futures of both clubs!

Why should the club consult the fans when most of the objections would be on the side of stupidity!

What would the fans say if the present landords put up the rent at the end of the present lease to such an extent that finding money to build a decent team proved impossible?

Ground share is the only way forward. Trust me!

I think that if you cut out the offensive remarks people may pay more attention to what you have to say. It is easier to catch a fly with honey than vinegar.

Having said all of that you make some very good points. :roll: :wink:
Agreed Steven
Offensive remarks get you nowhere

What a twat
Steven said:
Purplehaze said:
I just can't believe the moronic attidude of some of the posters on this forum. Green seats, away shirts, "our ground" etc etc.

At present City pay rent on a lease for the Walkers, Tigers rent Welford Road from the Council. Both clubs are to some extent, at the mercy of their landords.

Whats the point of paying rent on property when you will never get the benefits of ownership? Think of all the people who have rented houses over the last 5 years. The rent they have paid is effectivley gone for ever and now they find themselves priced out of buying a house!

Whats the point of running two stadiums where both are only used 25 days a year at their maximum capabilities?

The ground share is a unique opportunity to ensure the futures of both clubs!

Why should the club consult the fans when most of the objections would be on the side of stupidity!

What would the fans say if the present landords put up the rent at the end of the present lease to such an extent that finding money to build a decent team proved impossible?

Ground share is the only way forward. Trust me!

I think that if you cut out the offensive remarks people may pay more attention to what you have to say. It is easier to catch a fly with honey than vinegar.

Having said all of that you make some very good points. :roll: :wink:

Why should the club consult the fans? Crazy, you have to understand my friend that there is more than just your opinion to cater to.

You say that we would never own the stadium, but from discussions with a high ranking LCFC official I am assured that we would and could indeed one day own the stadium if we carry on doing exactly what we are doing now. A run in the prem would make this process even quicker.

This would ensure that LCFC would 100% own their home
This means that any money from non sporting events would go 100% to LCFC
LCFC would always own their home and it wouldn't have to be rebranded. Rebranding WILL involve removing unique elements of what makes us LCFC so that the stadium is non offensive to the tigers. I fail to see how doing this will not affect our identity and our already bored/apathetic home support.
The stadium will be owned 50/50, this is a big problem if Tigers and LCFC can't means deadlock...bad thing!

By signing up to this we will never have 100% it will always be 50%. I was told by this high ranking official that we will also NEVER own the stadium...only half, half the profits, half of all that is re-branded. And we won't even own that 50% for many many years...WE WILL CONTINUE TO PAY A MORTGAGE, because we don't have the money to buy our half.

If we continue as we are we will one day own the stadium for ourselves...yes it will be blue and white...and no that isn't the most important thing...but it is a factor, it is important, and it has been for 120 years (as the club would for some reason like us to know this year)

Its a Quick fix, and it means long term problems. You may one day want a home for LCFC, but by then it will be too late. Please think about that my friend.
Purplehaze said:
I just can't believe the moronic attidude of some of the posters on this forum. Green seats, away shirts, "our ground" etc etc.

At present City pay rent on a lease for the Walkers, Tigers rent Welford Road from the Council. Both clubs are to some extent, at the mercy of their landords.

Whats the point of paying rent on property when you will never get the benefits of ownership? Think of all the people who have rented houses over the last 5 years. The rent they have paid is effectivley gone for ever and now they find themselves priced out of buying a house!

Whats the point of running two stadiums where both are only used 25 days a year at their maximum capabilities?

Sound words until the unnecessary and largely indefensible attack on the fans.

I've stated elsewhere that I think the groundshare idea is the best way of taking this club forward but I've taken the trouble to read all the contrary or partly contrary views.

Far from being moronic, these views express real and well-founded concerns about such important things as the structure of any new agreement, what happens in the event of a fall-out or changed circumstances, how will the money be re-allocated, what about the club's history and traditions, who has the major say on decision-making etc, etc, etc.

And this from people whose money really has and does keep the club alive, whose support gives it atmosphere and a point for existing and whose knowledge, overall, is undoubtledly greater than any individual currently working for the club.

I am forever impressed by the input and commitment of lots of people on this site (including many who disagree wholeheartedly with the groundshare proposal which I, with my own reservations, support).

My hope is that, with the help of debate, if the change is made then many of the concerns expressed here will be properly addressed and that the future of Leicester City FC will therefore be better safeguarded.

Fans have helped safeguard this club for 100 years. Without those so called "moronic fans" it wouldn't last another two months as a football club.

The ground share is a unique opportunity to ensure the futures of both clubs!

Why should the club consult the fans when most of the objections would be on the side of stupidity!

What would the fans say if the present landords put up the rent at the end of the present lease to such an extent that finding money to build a decent team proved impossible?

Ground share is the only way forward. Trust me!
Not Stupid gits!

1. You say "One day could own the stadium" Surely 50 per cent now is better than one day in the distant future with the rent money in the tntervening years lost forever! What if we don't get in the prem for 10 years?

2. Money from non-sporting events is likely to double as the Tigers will be contributing more and a joint effort is likely to attract more non-sporting events!

3. "Unique elements" What unique elements. Most of the ground is covered in corporate advertising!

4. Deadlock! The company has already addressed this through voting rights so that there cannot be a deadlock!

5.Yes it will be 50 per cent, but running cost will also be 50 percent, so whats the problem? Why own 100 percent when it's standing empty and not earning for most of the year! As for having a mortgage for a few years, its easier to pay if you are only paying half NOW. The club cannot even think about buying 100 per so that's more rent money down the drain.

6. 120 years anniversary - blatant marketing to extract more monies out of the fans who are daft enough to purchase the tacky merchandise.

Yes there will be problems in a joint ownership, but at least the other half is a big club that can generate substantial revenues and is known throughout the Rugby playing world. The benefits will far outweigh the negatives.
A Tigers fan has just emailed me this link, he does not want to move but was taking the piss saying if they do move at least we (LCFC) will be playing in THIER stadium.

'It's important that the stadium looks like it belongs to the Tigers'

So much for fecking 50/50 eh :twisted:

and we are stupid Purplehaze for being worried for the future of 'our' club :roll:
Purplehaze said:
Whats the point of paying rent on property when you will never get the benefits of ownership? Think of all the people who have rented houses over the last 5 years. The rent they have paid is effectivley gone for ever and now they find themselves priced out of buying a house!

You can't compare buying a house with buying a stadium, a stadium is a special case, and not subject to the boom/bust cycle that house prices go through. So the price we'd have to pay for the stadium is unlikely to increase by the stupid amounts house prices have in recent years.

Sorry to take this way off topic, but some people need to wake up to the reality of the housing market....

There is a common misconception that house prices will only go up.
People who believe that are in for a big shock, as the latest house price crash is already underway. Prices have started falling already, and many experts are predicting a fall in prices of 20-40% in the next few years, taking several more years for prices to stabilise.
The last house price crash, in the early nineties took seven years to recover.

There's also a misconception that renting is 'dead' money. But you can say the same for the interest you pay on a mortgage. For anyone thinking about buying a house now, look at how much interest you would pay on a mortgage, and how much you'd pay to rent the same property (don't forget to factor in the cost of repairs etc, which you don't pay if you're renting). In most cases you'll find that it's cheaper to rent, than it is to pay an interest only mortgage, and in that case you're throwing money away by buying. This situation has arisen because house prices have been driven up to unrealistic levels by people who have bought properties just to rent them out, thinking they'll be able to make loads of profit. But by doing this the rental market has become saturated, and as interest rates have risen, people who have bought to let are struggling to pay the mortgage.
So if you rent rather than buy, you'll not only be saving money, but when the housing market has fallen to a realistic level you'll be able to buy a property for a lot less than you can now.

A lot of people in the know sold their house earlier this year when prices where at the peak, and are renting until prices fall to a more sensible level.

So buying isn't always a better option than renting, it's all about getting the timing right.
This debate is incredible, isn't it

Because you have doubts - about the financial benefits, about the pitch, about the stadium identity, about the whole principle of sharing your ground and even about the colour of the seats - you are labelled as being a stupid git, or a moron, or a whinger

Please take your simpleton's guide to financial management elsewhere, and store it with your ignorant blind gullibility to accept everything you are told.

And please refrain from bland unsubstantiated phrases such as "The benefits will far outweigh the negatives" when you clearly have no genuine idea of either of those two possibilities.

One thing this whole thing has identified is the ability for some people to continue to present assertion as fact, and fail to recognise the genuine concerns expressed by anyone else.

For me it's about principle - for others it's about the colour of seats

Who are you to pass judgement on anyone's reason for opposition or objection ?

"I just can't believe the moronic attidude of some of the posters on this forum."

At least you got one thing right
webmaster said:
Purplehaze said:
Whats the point of paying rent on property when you will never get the benefits of ownership? Think of all the people who have rented houses over the last 5 years. The rent they have paid is effectivley gone for ever and now they find themselves priced out of buying a house!

You can't compare buying a house with buying a stadium, a stadium is a special case, and not subject to the boom/bust cycle that house prices go through. So the price we'd have to pay for the stadium is unlikely to increase by the stupid amounts house prices have in recent years.

Sorry to take this way off topic, but some people need to wake up to the reality of the housing market....

There is a common misconception that house prices will only go up.
People who believe that are in for a big shock, as the latest house price crash is already underway. Prices have started falling already, and many experts are predicting a fall in prices of 20-40% in the next few years, taking several more years for prices to stabilise.
The last house price crash, in the early nineties took seven years to recover.

There's also a misconception that renting is 'dead' money. But you can say the same for the interest you pay on a mortgage. For anyone thinking about buying a house now, look at how much interest you would pay on a mortgage, and how much you'd pay to rent the same property (don't forget to factor in the cost of repairs etc, which you don't pay if you're renting). In most cases you'll find that it's cheaper to rent, than it is to pay an interest only mortgage, and in that case you're throwing money away by buying. This situation has arisen because house prices have been driven up to unrealistic levels by people who have bought properties just to rent them out, thinking they'll be able to make loads of profit. But by doing this the rental market has become saturated, and as interest rates have risen, people who have bought to let are struggling to pay the mortgage.
So if you rent rather than buy, you'll not only be saving money, but when the housing market has fallen to a realistic level you'll be able to buy a property for a lot less than you can now.

A lot of people in the know sold their house earlier this year when prices where at the peak, and are renting until prices fall to a more sensible level.

So buying isn't always a better option than renting, it's all about getting the timing right.

A bit wide of the football posts but a good post (as usual). Your warnings are spot on. That said it is indecent what people have to pay for a start in life in this country now. £130,000 plus for a house, £1500 plus for their first car insurance.
I know it's market forces but a lot of our kids are leaving and is it any surprise when £25,000 buys you a three bedroomed house with swimming pool and landscaped gardens in some parts of Bulgaria?.
There's a lot of people in this country chasing not enough houses, but with places like Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic and others providing alternative competition I cannot envisage another huge property boom in this country and a slump looks far more likely.
It's ironic really. There's eastern europeans desperate to come here and Brits equally desperate to move into their emerging economies. C'est la vie I suppose.
Re: Not Stupid gits!

Purplehaze said:
1. You say "One day could own the stadium" Surely 50 per cent now is better than one day in the distant future with the rent money in the tntervening years lost forever! What if we don't get in the prem for 10 years?

2. Money from non-sporting events is likely to double as the Tigers will be contributing more and a joint effort is likely to attract more non-sporting events!

3. "Unique elements" What unique elements. Most of the ground is covered in corporate advertising!

4. Deadlock! The company has already addressed this through voting rights so that there cannot be a deadlock!

5.Yes it will be 50 per cent, but running cost will also be 50 percent, so whats the problem? Why own 100 percent when it's standing empty and not earning for most of the year! As for having a mortgage for a few years, its easier to pay if you are only paying half NOW. The club cannot even think about buying 100 per so that's more rent money down the drain.

6. 120 years anniversary - blatant marketing to extract more monies out of the fans who are daft enough to purchase the tacky merchandise.

Yes there will be problems in a joint ownership, but at least the other half is a big club that can generate substantial revenues and is known throughout the Rugby playing world. The benefits will far outweigh the negatives.

1. One day we would own the stadium!
2. We don't need to have the tigers to host/attract events...100% profit sounds better to me than 50%...any way you swing it!
3. You obviously haven't walked around the stadium and seen all of the memorabilia, aside from this although I don't think it is crucially important...the seats wouldn't be blue, there would be images of another team and sport all around us. This is fine if you support tigers as well, but those of us who value our identity as LCFC think this is important. It has meant something to me and my family for decades. Our identity would be certainly diluted, our individuality lost...a point that a high ranking LCFC official conceeded in a meeting with me on this topic!
4. The same high ranking official also conceded that there was no deadlock procedure to if there was a disagreement there would be a stalemate...however, to take your view for a while, that isn't to say that there won't ever be deadlock procedure.
5. We won't get ANY money out of what the Tiger do with the it makes no difference to us whether the stadum goes unused or not...they take away their profits, we take ours...only difference is we don't own our home anymore...and NEVER will again.
6. Agree with you on this point...our history and future matters to me but 120 years anniversary was something the club has been shovelling in our direction, and many of us have swallowed...just as we are swallowing their quick fix that robs us of our home.

I don't really care about the world of Rugby, I'm a city fan, thats why I support having our own home ground with our own home identity! Not a diluted/watered down/rebranded/all serving soleless shell!
homer said:
This debate is incredible, isn't it

Because you have doubts - about the financial benefits, about the pitch, about the stadium identity, about the whole principle of sharing your ground and even about the colour of the seats - you are labelled as being a stupid git, or a moron, or a whinger

Please take your simpleton's guide to financial management elsewhere, and store it with your ignorant blind gullibility to accept everything you are told.

And please refrain from bland unsubstantiated phrases such as "The benefits will far outweigh the negatives" when you clearly have no genuine idea of either of those two possibilities.

One thing this whole thing has identified is the ability for some people to continue to present assertion as fact, and fail to recognise the genuine concerns expressed by anyone else.

For me it's about principle - for others it's about the colour of seats

Who are you to pass judgement on anyone's reason for opposition or objection ?

"I just can't believe the moronic attidude of some of the posters on this forum."

At least you got one thing right

I think the colour of seats thing is being used as a stick to poke people with that have any objection to this, for me it's about identity which some don't seem even slightly bothered about. So just paint the seats red and see how many object. :roll:
I'm Starting a new campaign people. I hope you all support it;


The War Against Tigers

support TWAT people :lol:
Tony Elsby said:
There's a lot of people in this country chasing not enough houses,

That's actually a myth that's spread by people who have a vested interest in keeping house prices high. There are enough houses, they're just too expensive for a lot of people.
Property prices have been driven up by greed, not by a shortage. If there was a shortage rents would have increased by the same amount as house prices, but this hasn't happened, and in some places rents have fallen substantially in the last year or so.
SilverFox said:
I'm Starting a new campaign people. I hope you all support it;


The War Against Tigers

support TWAT people :lol:

webmaster said:
Tony Elsby said:
There's a lot of people in this country chasing not enough houses,

That's actually a myth that's spread by people who have a vested interest in keeping house prices high. There are enough houses, they're just too expensive for a lot of people.
Property prices have been driven up by greed, not by a shortage. If there was a shortage rents would have increased by the same amount as house prices, but this hasn't happened, and in some places rents have fallen substantially in the last year or so.

In which case why the continued rape of the green belt? And why are local authorities ordered to earmark so much land for housebuilding each year much to the annoyance of local residents. And why are all the houses in the new developments near me so rapidly occupied.?

I could go on (you probably think I do!) but we ought to wind up cos this is a football forum.
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