Today is the last day of the current vBookie season.
Current leaders:
KempsonFox has a total of 35025
fitz has a total of 19578
FryattFox has a total of 10906
fcukcov has a total of 6975
newtonfox has a total of 5256
Boy Genius has a total of 5215
Yorkshire Vixen has a total of 5155
glyn has a total of 4962
From Gradel to Grave has a total of 4350
enderby fox has a total of 4350
Any suggestions for events to vbet on today or shall we finish it now?
Current leaders:
KempsonFox has a total of 35025
fitz has a total of 19578
FryattFox has a total of 10906
fcukcov has a total of 6975
newtonfox has a total of 5256
Boy Genius has a total of 5215
Yorkshire Vixen has a total of 5155
glyn has a total of 4962
From Gradel to Grave has a total of 4350
enderby fox has a total of 4350
Any suggestions for events to vbet on today or shall we finish it now?