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highland fox

New Member
Keep getting calls from this number on my Mobile,never answer my Mobile unless I know who it is.These feckers are driving me mad,anybody know who they are ?
Probably O2 or Vodafone trying to flog you something. I've had the same sort of number phone me recently.
I did have a feeling it might be them but like I said I owe to many people money to be answering the phone to numbers I don't recognise:icon_lol:

It's not Vodafone, it's someone pretending to be them.

They will try and offer you an upgrade but in order to do so they require your address details and bank details :icon_roll

Do you recognise this guy (George Agdgdgwngo) :102: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

It's not Vodafone, it's someone pretending to be them.

They will try and offer you an upgrade but in order to do so they require your address details and bank details :icon_roll

Do you recognise this guy (George Agdgdgwngo) :102: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

I have the monies!!


Punchline seems obvious when you spell it like that! :icon_eek:


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I would just like to offer my sincerist apologies to Highland for encouraging a bunch retards into ruining his thread!
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