68 years and come to this

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Looking forward to the year 2092.
If Canada paul was a country and western singer, I think what he's trying to say is something like this:

I've been a Leicester fan for mighty long, near seven decades strong, and oh, the things these eyes have seen - but nothing like today’s scene. Just yesterday, I watched our coach, clapping hard as our poor bloke got pulled off the field, playin’ poor. He’s aiming high, like City’s style, but with these boys, we're off by miles. It’s clear as day, but he don't see, that man in charge ain't right for me, he ought to be set free.

Our owner, he's been playin' games, sellin’ stars for hefty gains. Yet here we sit, in heaps of debt, makes me wonder where that money's spent. I reckon it's his other deals, while our club reels. When COVID struck, the money stopped, no shoppers at his duty shops. But still, somehow, we found the dough, for a fancy ground, though times were low. Could’ve saved that cash, used what we had, the same old patch that saw us glad.

We've tossed our coins on players grand, who shine at signing, then they're banned from proving worth on the field they play. Is it theft or just foul play? Either way, it’s time they knew, this crew in charge, their time is due. They let Rodgers run the show, now look where we're about to go.

Oh, my dear Leicester, I sing this song, 'cause I can’t bear to see you wronged. We need a shake, from top to end, or down we'll go, and back again. So, fellow fans, hold your hats, through ups and downs, through this and that. Keep the faith, but push for change, ‘cause without it, we'll just stay the same.

Of course, were Canada paul a posh bloke, it would be more this kind of this he was trying to say...

Paul of the Dominion said:
Having ardently supported Leicester for nearly seven decades, I find myself most perturbed by the present conditions under which our beloved club is being governed. In days of yore, such displays of incompetence would be utterly unconscionable. Just recently, I witnessed our manager commend a player's efforts as he was withdrawn from the pitch, despite the lad's abysmal performance. This modern penchant for emulating the high-falutin' tactics of metropolitan clubs such as Manchester City, without the personnel of requisite calibre, is a folly of the highest order. It's as though our esteemed manager is traipsing about in a masquerade, blind to the mediocrity that festoons his ranks. Verily, he ought to be relieved of his duties posthaste.

Regarding our proprietor, his stewardship has proven no less disconcerting. Despite the club reaping considerable sums from the sales of illustrious players like Chilwell, Maddison, and that stalwart defender to Chelsea for a princely sum, we find ourselves ensconced in debt. One ponders where these vast treasures have vanished. Might they be lining the coffers of his other ventures, perchance? 'Tis a scandal! Amidst the plague that swept our realm, rendering his trade in duty-free wares barren, he somehow maintained the club’s solvency, yet opted to erect a lavish new training facility. A needless extravagance, surely, when the old grounds sufficed splendidly during our halcyon days.

Moreover, this cabal appears to have lavished our coffers on mercenaries who shine at the negotiation table yet falter on the field of play. Either through pilferage or prodigality, the leadership is culpable and must be utterly reformed. 'Tis not solely the former tactician, Mr. Rodgers, at whom fingers should be pointed; nay, the current oligarchs permitted such debacles under their watch.

As a steadfast devotee of the Foxes, I am beseeched by the spectre of decline that looms over our institution. A thorough cleansing of the Augean stables is imperative lest we continue to founder. To my fellow partisans, I implore you to maintain your composure. Should we ascend to greater heights only to be cast down posthaste, let us not be overtaken by despair but rather rally for the sweeping reforms our noble club so desperately requires.

...I dare say.
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1Manchester C  412
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