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Why is wearing a mask seen as such a hardship anyway? I know some have a genuine excuse for not wanting to wear one....but for most it just sounds like a preference but a one that's portrayed as a massive effort.
It’s unhygienic for a start. Covering your mouth with something that could have germs on. Then having to touch it to adjust it…I feel like I’m more likely to catch something wearing it.
sorry Camberwell, IMO your wrong, seat belts and crash helmets are are a perfect example, both dramatically reduce the chance of death in an accident, exactly the same as being double jabbed should you be unfortunate enough to catch COVID.

I caught COVID either, going to or at the Wolves match, it’s horrendous! I’m still not 100% now, I was double jabbed with no underlying health issues.

Around 8.5M people in the U.K. have had COVID, how is Social distancing pandering to the minority, without it the situation would be far worse.
Mask wearing has undoubtedly helped to stop the spread
Sorry I didn’t make my post clear. Wearing a seat belt prevents the wearer in 90% of serious accidents from more serious injury, like wise crash helmets.

These devices are designed to save the wearers lofe and not someone else.
Most of the masks are crap, and are worn incorrectly. PPF2 standard and above give real protection not the sleeve off an old cardy made to look cool.

The blue ones are also crap.
If you are in the unfortunate position of being a person who can die from this due to healthy factors it is your responsibility to make adjustments to your life to safeguard yourself. It is not the responsibility of others to do this for you.

Society in general has made huge sacrifices for the good of the minority for 18 months with little respite. My daughter has spent 1/3 of her life missing school and socialising for the benefit of the few. She is among probably 50 million people in England who have done the same.

To continue to drag this out and insist on mask wearying, which there is zero proof of any benefit bar the placebo effect, is, frankly stupid.

To cite helmet wearing and seatbelts as parallels to this is frankly absurd.

1. Anyone can die from C19. Yes, there are co-morbitities which substantially increase your chances of dying, but plenty of younger, healthier people like you and I have died too.
2. Asking many millions of people to hide away so the majority can get on with circulating the virus is genuinely bizarre. Maybe it would be best if we sent everyone with a co-morbidity to camps or made them wear signs to show their vulnerabillity?
3. Making some perfectly reasonable sacrifices actually enables things like school and socialising. The biggest danger to this is people ignorantly spreading the virus.
4. Mask wearing does help. There are many, many, studies worldwide which prove this beyond any reasonable doubt. It's not the most important thing, but it 100% helps reduce the spread indoors. It is such a minor inconvenience to just wear one. To pretend that it is a great hardship is so lame.

We've all got things wrong during the last 18 months. I'm as guilty as anyone. But there is so much evidence out there now that it really isn't excusable to be that wrong.

The biggest danger to all of us is the potential for worse variants to embed themselves in the population. With the behaviour of those that can't be bothered with it any more alongside the incompetence of this government failing to get booster jabs into arms quickly enough, we're creating the perfect environment for this. That was the point of me posting a link to the Twitter thread last night.

When I walked onto the concourse at the KP on Saturday and saw hundreds of people all congregated closely together indoors, and hardly one mask wearer to be seen, I couldn't help but think that everyone has gone stark staring mad. The sad thing is, I think people with your attitude are actually in the majority now.
4. Mask wearing does help. There are many, many, studies worldwide which prove this beyond any reasonable doubt. It's not the most important thing, but it 100% helps reduce the spread indoors.
If mask wearing is really that important, then why are we not being forced to wear them any more?

You can’t blame the population for abandoning them, when our government have said we don’t need to wear them any more.
I strongly agree with one of the above arguments and disagree with the other, but wish they could be argued without the hostility.
Perhaps this should be copied to the BREXIT discussion, both on this forum and nationally.
So why are we no longer “hands, face, space” - this was critical? No longer apparently.

2 metres, then 1 metre, not now.

Only meet outdoors, now not apparently.

IF masks worked then the government would have commissioned a scientific group to design one that was as close to perfect as possible and practical to wear.

These would have been distributed to every home in the country with a law passed that everyone must wear one when outside your home.

The only reason that this hasn’t been done is because it doesn’t work, If it did, we would have it by now.
1. Anyone can die from C19. Yes, there are co-morbitities which substantially increase your chances of dying, but plenty of younger, healthier people like you and I have died too.
2. Asking many millions of people to hide away so the majority can get on with circulating the virus is genuinely bizarre. Maybe it would be best if we sent everyone with a co-morbidity to camps or made them wear signs to show their vulnerabillity?
3. Making some perfectly reasonable sacrifices actually enables things like school and socialising. The biggest danger to this is people ignorantly spreading the virus.
4. Mask wearing does help. There are many, many, studies worldwide which prove this beyond any reasonable doubt. It's not the most important thing, but it 100% helps reduce the spread indoors. It is such a minor inconvenience to just wear one. To pretend that it is a great hardship is so lame.

We've all got things wrong during the last 18 months. I'm as guilty as anyone. But there is so much evidence out there now that it really isn't excusable to be that wrong.

The biggest danger to all of us is the potential for worse variants to embed themselves in the population. With the behaviour of those that can't be bothered with it any more alongside the incompetence of this government failing to get booster jabs into arms quickly enough, we're creating the perfect environment for this. That was the point of me posting a link to the Twitter thread last night.

When I walked onto the concourse at the KP on Saturday and saw hundreds of people all congregated closely together indoors, and hardly one mask wearer to be seen, I couldn't help but think that everyone has gone stark staring mad. The sad thing is, I think people with your attitude are actually in the majority now.
There are many, many important issues that are equally or more important than C19. We currently have north of 6 million people awaiting an operation. Christ knows how many people will die over the next 5 years due to not daring or being able to visit their GP and explain their symptoms.

C19 cannot it be allowed to rule our lives any more.

For the record, I asked no one to hide away or suggest ‘camps’ or the such like.

Balance is required, and pushing mask wearing as important is similar to suggesting that Ade Akinbiyi could have been a good striker.
So why are we no longer “hands, face, space” - this was critical? No longer apparently.

2 metres, then 1 metre, not now.

Only meet outdoors, now not apparently.

IF masks worked then the government would have commissioned a scientific group to design one that was as close to perfect as possible and practical to wear.

These would have been distributed to every home in the country with a law passed that everyone must wear one when outside your home.

The only reason that this hasn’t been done is because it doesn’t work, If it did, we would have it by now.
Having watched this government in action for nearly two years I have come to the controversial conclusion that they are not infallible.
Sorry I didn’t make my post clear. Wearing a seat belt prevents the wearer in 90% of serious accidents from more serious injury, like wise crash helmets.

These devices are designed to save the wearers lofe and not someone else.
Isn’t having two jabs designed to save your life? I think you defeat your own argument there.

I worked at various vaccination centres from February to July, Covid was obviously the discussion at lunchtimes, unanimously the Consultants and GP’s in attendance, say two things are helping to keep up the spread of COVID-19, firstly those who refuse to be vaccinated and secondly those who have been double jabbed and now think their bomb proof, carrying on as if there’s no pandemic.

Everyone should remember Covid is a winter virus
Isn’t having two jabs designed to save your life? I think you defeat your own argument there.

I worked at various vaccination centres from February to July, Covid was obviously the discussion at lunchtimes, unanimously the Consultants and GP’s in attendance, say two things are helping to keep up the spread of COVID-19, firstly those who refuse to be vaccinated and secondly those who have been double jabbed and now think their bomb proof, carrying on as if there’s no pandemic.

Everyone should remember Covid is a winter virus
Ye two jabs are designed ONLY to save the vast majority who can still catch it from dying.

I would have thought everyone was aware of this and that no one thinks that because you have had two jabs you are then unable to catch or transmit the virus.

How many double jabbed people have died? If we accept (and I can’t see an argument the other way) that double-jabbed people are far less likely to die or become seriously ill then surely we are now managing small %’s?

A-hundred or so deaths a day from this is far removed from the original catastrophe, this number isn’t going to rise substantially.
Ye two jabs are designed ONLY to save the vast majority who can still catch it from dying.

I would have thought everyone was aware of this and that no one thinks that because you have had two jabs you are then unable to catch or transmit the virus.

How many double jabbed people have died? If we accept (and I can’t see an argument the other way) that double-jabbed people are far less likely to die or become seriously ill then surely we are now managing small %’s?

A-hundred or so deaths a day from this is far removed from the original catastrophe, this number isn’t going to rise substantially.
The vaccine is designed to reduce symptoms and lower the chances of spreading the virus. So a double jabbed infected person may only pass the virus on to 3 people instead of 10. Which makes it all the more galling, when at the match, you see people sharing drinks and jumping all over each other when we score.

640 double jabbed people have died up to 2nd July, many more were hospitalised and recovering.

I said previously this is a winter virus, the death rates this July and August were little different to last July and August,
Not sure how you can feel that over 100 deaths a day is a good sign, hopefully the booster jabs will make a difference and while we may not reach last winters death rate it’s going to be a tough going
I can't believe it's nearly a fortnight since I posted. Getting hold of the antibiotics was far harder than it needed to be. I'm not sure where the breakdown occured, but they were issued at 7:30 pm, having been requested at 11 am. I'd already packed my overnight bag. If they weren't issued I was getting myself admitted for them to be administered by IV drip.
The hospital might have been the sensible option. I was contemplating many things, one being upping my steroids and bolting down mtx tablets that I still had. I could shut down my entire immune system, so that I wouldn't succumb to the dreaded cytokine storm in my lungs. Fear is an incredible motivator.
Thankfully I decided to just pop my first pill, stay up for the 2nd and set the alarm for the 3rd. The antibiotics are aptly named 'rescue packs'. They are a couple of quid, and for me they can pull me back from the brink within 48 hrs. Prior to the NICE directive guaranteeing me them it's led to a couple of week long stays in hospital.
I teeter on the brink of transplantation. Too fit to be on the list, but only a step away from being too ill to be considered. "You are walking on a knife edge Doug."
Sorry, I'm rambling. It's possible that 18 mths of warnings that I'm likely to be fubared if I step foot outside have taken their toll.

NB. Aside from the last 3 weeks, my greatest annoyance has been the removal of restrictions for the shielded. It was momentous, it was liberating. It was terrifying. The general population had 6/9 months to adapt to the restrictions. The shielded were dropped straight into it. A lot of the support was terminated effective immediately.
In summary- I should have said I'm fine Brown Nose
I'll be getting my 3rd jab asap.
I'll reschedule my flu jab.
I'll order another rescue pack.
And I'll not be so complacent. Hands, Face & Space
I can't believe it's nearly a fortnight since I posted. Getting hold of the antibiotics was far harder than it needed to be. I'm not sure where the breakdown occured, but they were issued at 7:30 pm, having been requested at 11 am. I'd already packed my overnight bag. If they weren't issued I was getting myself admitted for them to be administered by IV drip.
The hospital might have been the sensible option. I was contemplating many things, one being upping my steroids and bolting down mtx tablets that I still had. I could shut down my entire immune system, so that I wouldn't succumb to the dreaded cytokine storm in my lungs. Fear is an incredible motivator.
Thankfully I decided to just pop my first pill, stay up for the 2nd and set the alarm for the 3rd. The antibiotics are aptly named 'rescue packs'. They are a couple of quid, and for me they can pull me back from the brink within 48 hrs. Prior to the NICE directive guaranteeing me them it's led to a couple of week long stays in hospital.
I teeter on the brink of transplantation. Too fit to be on the list, but only a step away from being too ill to be considered. "You are walking on a knife edge Doug."
Sorry, I'm rambling. It's possible that 18 mths of warnings that I'm likely to be fubared if I step foot outside have taken their toll.

NB. Aside from the last 3 weeks, my greatest annoyance has been the removal of restrictions for the shielded. It was momentous, it was liberating. It was terrifying. The general population had 6/9 months to adapt to the restrictions. The shielded were dropped straight into it. A lot of the support was terminated effective immediately.
In summary- I should have said I'm fine Brown Nose
I'll be getting my 3rd jab asap.
I'll reschedule my flu jab.
I'll order another rescue pack.
And I'll not be so complacent. Hands, Face & Space
Wow. Glad you seem to be on the mend. I’ve been lucky and managed to avoid it, but l share your reaction to the sod off and die letter. With infection rates rising again (20% of new cases reported world wide are now in the UK) my growing complacency is rapidly going into reverse. Good luck!
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