Not Work Safe Derby County handing out free e-cigarettes

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The expression 'numpties' would probably more appropriately attached to those who suck these new things that are not yet fully tested and think they should be allowed to do so where smoking is banned. It already looks certain that once the ptb get their arse in gear, such items will only be available from pharmacies.

No evidence for this at all.

And if you believe your last sentence to be true, keep sucking. You deserve it.

No evidence to support this opinion either.

e-cigs are designed to wean smokers off tobacco. They may well be safer than tobacco but they are certainly addictive in themselves and I give you credit for recognising that "won't be harmless".

My feeling is that their safety should have been established before they were marketed.

Again, lacking an awful lot of evidence for your opinions here, Boc...especially the last bit.

I know that they will only be sold by pharmacies at some stage in the future. I don't understand why this has not happened from the start.

And absolutely no evidence for either of these points.

But then I don't need any evidence.

You might want to consider a career in politics, Boc, you seem eminently cut out for it. :)
Is there not a slight hypocrisy in saying that the government are hand in hand with big business and not giving a shit about people dying and yet stating that when these things are regulated it's 'back to the fags'

Maybe people should take responsibility for their own health and path towards death rather than blaming anyone or anything else?

No hypocrisy at all.You need to understand the nature of addiction.If you dont have an addiction yourself thats great but you need to see things from the point of view of those that do.Especially if such addiction was established during an ignorant childhood.

Same applies to the responsibility thing.I clearly stated that I'd tried on numerous occassions to give up & have now finally succeeded thanks to this invention.Banning it will only benefit tobacco companies who as we all know were found guilty of denying a causal link to cancer despite knowing full well it existed & drug firms that sell ineffective treatments on repeat prescription thereby making a fortune.
Plenty of clubs and businesses ban e-cigarettes

Are you being serious? How on Earth could they possibly be banned anywhere? What possible grounds would anybody have to try to ban them?
What possible grounds would anybody have to try to ban them?

Because they reduce the number of real cigarettes being sold

The lizard-kind illuminati must have their money, or bad things happen
Are you being serious? How on Earth could they possibly be banned anywhere? What possible grounds would anybody have to try to ban them?

According to Nessa Childers MEP, Linda McAven MEP and Anna Soubry MP they are a gateway to get children into smoking proper fags. The nasty tobacco companies are using fruity flavours to entice them like something that might be really attractive to something else. Which is why they are trying to force through EU legislation to ban the free sale of vaping products and force people to just get tobacco-flavoured e-cigalikes from chemists. Only tobacco companies do not even have much more than a little toe in this market.

Thank **** someone is going to save me from my Lemon Merigue Pie vape.


According to Nessa Childers MEP, Linda McAven MEP and Anna Soubry MP they are a gateway to get children into smoking proper fags. The nasty tobacco companies are using fruity flavours to entice them like something that might be really attractive to something else. Which is why they are trying to force through EU legislation to ban the free sale of vaping products and force people to just get tobacco-flavoured e-cigalikes from chemists. Only tobacco companies do not even have much more than a little toe in this market.

Thank **** someone is going to save me from my Lemon Merigue Pie vape.



Everything else aside, that sounds vile!
Are you being serious? How on Earth could they possibly be banned anywhere? What possible grounds would anybody have to try to ban them?

I am being serious, ****ed up I know. Flew on that shit airline Ryan air yesterday and they actually sell special cigarettes of some type you can 'smoke' on the plane but ban ecigs. £5 for 10 special shitty Ryan air cigs.
I am being serious, ****ed up I know.

It's utterly ****ing absurd

Flew on that shit airline Ryan air yesterday and they actually sell special cigarettes of some type you can 'smoke' on the plane but ban ecigs. £5 for 10 special shitty Ryan air cigs.

I'd just sit there calmly toking away on my e-cig and tell them to **** away from me if they tried to complain
According to Nessa Childers MEP, Linda McAven MEP and Anna Soubry MP they are a gateway to get children into smoking proper fags.

Well then they are all evidently in the pay of lobbyists.
Even if there was anything even approaching truth to their ridiculous claims, that would still be no reason whatever for any business to ban responsible, or irresponsible, adults from using them wherever they so choose.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Volume 1, Issue 7, Page e26, September 2013

Riccardo Polosa a, Pasquale Caponnetto

E-cigarettes are increasingly used as substitutes for tobacco cigarettes,3 with some suggestion that the rapidly increasing popularity of e-cigarettes brought about a decrease in tobacco cigarette sales in the USA at the start of 2013.4 The main reason for regulation of these products is said to be to ensure that consumers are protected. However, the consumers' perspective has been largely overlooked. For consumers, safety is a concern, but is secondary in view of the hazards of the product (ie, tobacco cigarette) being replaced.5 Most consumers would be content with regulations that helped to ensure product consistency and prevent contamination, but see no need to apply the strict regulations used for pharmaceutical products that would lead to unnecessary increases in the price of e-cigarettes.6 Our experience suggests that many former smokers who transitioned to an e-cigarette believe that the main goal for regulators should be to keep e-cigarettes available and acceptable as a cigarette replacement. Excessive and ill-conceived regulation will conflict with these basic requirements; it will marginalise e-cigarettes by making them unattractive to smokers and less competitively priced compared with tobacco products.

Future regulatory measures should primarily address quality standards of liquids used in e-cigarettes (e-liquids) and should require 1) evidence that good manufacturing practices have been followed; 2) official documentation reporting contents and concentrations in e-liquids to regulators; and 3) clear, accurate, and detailed labelling about the contents and possible dangers of inappropriate handling (eg, accidental poisoning) associated with e-cigarette use.

Such a regulatory framework already exists; e-liquids can be marketed as dietary supplements, provided that no claims are made about prevention or treatment of disease. Under dietary supplement regulation, manufacturers must show that a product is not dangerous before introduction. Compliance with national good manufacturing practice policies would ensure that e-liquids are produced in a quality manner, do not contain contaminants or impurities, are accurately labelled, and are held under conditions to prevent adulteration. Additional restrictions could be implemented, including a rule requiring e-liquid manufacturers to submit a report to the relevant health authority of serious adverse events linked to the use of their products. With regard to marketing and safety of e-cigarettes' electronics, batteries, and spare parts, these components are already regulated by existing directives.

Therefore, it should be easy to implement reasonable regulation that is in line with consumer's aspirations. However, introduction of such regulation will not be as easy as it seems. The rapidly expanding popularity of e-cigarettes is a threat to the interests of both the tobacco and pharmaceutical industry and to their associated stakeholders. The large revenues generated by tobacco excise taxes are needed by national governments to run their countries and sponsorship for the marketing of anti-smoking drugs and those intended to treat tobacco-related diseases are much needed by pharmaceutical regulatory bodies, health authorities, and medical societies for the running of their statutory activities.

RP has received lecture fees and research funding from Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturers of stop smoking medications; has served as a consultant for Pfizer and Arbi Group Srl, the distributor of the categoria e-cigarette; and currently serves as Chief Scientific Advisor for LIAF (the Italian Anti-Smoking League). PC declares that he has no conflicts of interest.

1 Hajek P, Foulds J, Le Houezec J, Sweanor D, Yach D. Should e-cigarettes be regulated as a medicinal device?. Lancet Respir Med 2013; 1: 429-431. PubMed
2 Cobb NK, Cobb CO. Regulatory challenges for refined nicotine products. Lancet Respir Med 2013; 1: 431-433. PubMed
3 Caponnetto P, Russo C, Bruno CM, Alamo A, Amaradio MD, Polosa R. Electronic cigarette: a possible substitute for cigarette dependence. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2013; 79: 12-19. PubMed
4 Adelman DJ, Grainger M, Ayala V, Paxton K. Tobacco: New Years' resolutions + e-cigs=weaker volumes?. New York: Morgan Stanley Research North America, 2013.
5 Goniewicz ML, Lingas EO, Hajek P. Patterns of electronic cigarette use and user beliefs about their safety and benefits: an Internet survey. Drug Alcohol Rev 2013; 32: 133-140. CrossRef | PubMed
6 Farsalinos K, Romagna G, Tsiapras D, Kyrzopoulos S, Voudris V. Evaluating nicotine levels selection and patterns of electronic cigarette use in a group of “vapers” who achieved complete substitution of smoking. Subst Abuse (in press).
a Centro per la Prevenzione e Cura del Tabagismo, Institute of Internal Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico-V Emanuele, UniversitÃ* di Catania, Catania, Italy
What's up Maws? Are you trying to out-letter David G? All this evidence stuff is getting a bit tiring. You'll never convince Boc however hard you try.
No one has to read anything I type, they can skip the thread or simply pop me on ignore. :)

It's utterly ****ing absurd

I'd just sit there calmly toking away on my e-cig and tell them to **** away from me if they tried to complain

Good luck with that Macky.
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