Post Match Leicester 5 Manchester United 3

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Lost my voice, ache all over from jumping up and down, and now on the way down from an all-time adrenalin high

Astonishing. Truly astonishing
You always get like that when me and Alex 'pop round'. But what did you think of the football?
Anyone here who knows who this Craig from Leicester is? Sounds like a nice bloke......

He's probably not from Leicester. He's deleted his Twitter account, but Google's cache shows him as being in London -
It wasn't the first time he'd racially abused Balotelli.
Claims to be a freelance journalist with contacts in football. Probably just pretending to have inside info when he just gets his stuff from other tweets. There are a lot of twats like that on twitter.
I did not see the match today. In France at a post wedding garden party. Couldn't get wifi and check the scores. About 15:30 multiple text messages asking have I seen the score! Managed to avoid the score until MOTD 2 at 10:30. Even had to ask the taxi driver to turn off talksport. Absolutely fantastic result I still can't quite process it!!

It was a very special day for me, watching with my old man who had been taking me to filbert street for as long as I can remember.

We watched in North Carolina, in my back garden, at 830 in the morning....and we had just an incredible time. He will be gone one day and I swear the look on his face today is what I'll remember first. We've watched hundreds of games together from the sublime to the ridiculous to the downright depressing. I don't need to rehash the moments because so many of us have lived through them. This was a glorious moment and I'm welling up thinking about it.

It's a wonderful time to be a leicester fan...even one living 4 thousand miles away.
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Well...good morning my footballing brethren.I apologise in advance for the following ramble but I am filled with delirium & whiskey in equal parts.

I have just lived through what will,hopefully for the rest of my life,be known as "The Man Utd Weekend"

It began on Friday night.I went out to dinner.Not just any dinner mind you.

Do you remember the woman in your life that you had the most flamingly intense relationship with? Ups,downs,passion,debates,arguments...& sex that strips paint off the walls? Well this was dinner with HER.Time has gone by,water has flowed under bridges,we are both now older,wiser & more centred.Dinner was fun,nothing was forced or awkward & a fine time was had.

That was supposed to be it really.But something else happened.At around the time I was expecting to be back at home I found myself in a state of what can only be described as reckless sexual abandon.All the while remembering things that i had forgotten about this woman & wondering how the **** it was even possible to forget! Lets just say that if she'd been present Mary Whitehouse would have spontaneously combusted with rage.Older readers will understand when I say that the level of filth reached would match that of a 1970s train station toilet.Younger readers can use their imagination.Anyhow...the upshot of all this is that as of this morning myself & the woman in question are now back at 'Item' status.So much so that her daughter (who between the ages of 8 & 12 I took to every City home game) rang me this morning in tears to welcome me back.She is now 20 & has a baby boy of her own...very strange.

Still mulling over this awesome development I settled in at home to watch the match & we all know what happened next.At full time I got a text from HER saying I must be pleased at the result & would I like to celebrate.Of course!..."where are we going?" Apparently we were going nowhere as she arrived on my doorstep 30 seconds later! Gentlemen...please picture this in your mind & tell me if you have ever heard better verbal foreplay than this..." I took a chance you wouldn't chuck a 2 goal lead so I came to help you celebrate.I left my knickers at home"

I've known marriages built on less!

Anyway...she left an hour ago & I am possibly the happiest man in England right now.

& to round it off,I had a 4/1 shot at Uttoxeter win by a head & had forgotten all about the bet until now! So thats the cost of dinner back in my pocket.

If Carlsberg made weekends...they'd still be ****ing shite compared to this one!
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Well...good morning my footballing brethren.I apologise in advance for the following ramble but I am filled with delirium & whiskey in equal parts.

I have just lived through what will,hopefully for the rest of my life,be known as "The Man Utd Weekend"

It began on Friday night.I went out to dinner.Not just any dinner mind you.

Do you remember the woman in your life that you had the most flamingly intense relationship with? Ups,downs,passion,debates,arguments...& sex that strips paint off the walls? Well this was dinner with HER.Time has gone by,water has flowed under bridges,we are both now older,wiser & more centred.Dinner was fun,nothing was forced or awkward & a fine time was had.

That was supposed to be it really.But something else happened.At around the time I was expecting to be back at home I found myself in a state of what can only be described as reckless sexual abandon.All the while remembering things that i had forgotten about this woman & wondering how the **** it was even possible to forget! Lets just say that if she'd been present Mary Whitehouse would have spontaneously combusted with rage.Older readers will understand when I say that the level of filth reached would match that of a 1970s train station toilet.Younger readers can use their imagination.Anyhow...the upshot of all this is that as of this morning myself & the woman in question are now back at 'Item' status.So much so that her daughter (who between the ages of 8 & 12 I took to every City home game) rang me this morning in tears to welcome me back.She is now 20 & has a baby boy of her own...very strange.

Still mulling over this awesome development I settled in at home to watch the match & we all know what happened next.At full time I got a text from HER saying I must be pleased at the result & would I like to celebrate.Of course!..."where are we going?" Apparently we were going nowhere as she arrived on my doorstep 30 seconds later! Gentlemen...please picture this in your mind & tell me if you have ever heard better verbal foreplay than this..." I took a chance you wouldn't chuck a 2 goal lead so I came to help you celebrate.I left my knickers at home"

I've known marriages built on less!

Anyway...she left an hour ago & I am possibly the happiest man in England right now.

& to round it off,I had a 4/1 shot at Uttoxeter win by a head & had forgotten all about the bet until now! So thats the cost of dinner back in my pocket.

If Carlsberg made weekends...they'd still be ****ing shite compared to this one!

Shit, what a weekend!

However, you neglected your duty to post immediately after the game. Somebody boot him!
Well...good morning my footballing brethren.I apologise in advance for the following ramble but I am filled with delirium & whiskey in equal parts.

I have just lived through what will,hopefully for the rest of my life,be known as "The Man Utd Weekend"

It began on Friday night.I went out to dinner.Not just any dinner mind you.

Do you remember the woman in your life that you had the most flamingly intense relationship with? Ups,downs,passion,debates,arguments...& sex that strips paint off the walls? Well this was dinner with HER.Time has gone by,water has flowed under bridges,we are both now older,wiser & more centred.Dinner was fun,nothing was forced or awkward & a fine time was had.

That was supposed to be it really.But something else happened.At around the time I was expecting to be back at home I found myself in a state of what can only be described as reckless sexual abandon.All the while remembering things that i had forgotten about this woman & wondering how the **** it was even possible to forget! Lets just say that if she'd been present Mary Whitehouse would have spontaneously combusted with rage.Older readers will understand when I say that the level of filth reached would match that of a 1970s train station toilet.Younger readers can use their imagination.Anyhow...the upshot of all this is that as of this morning myself & the woman in question are now back at 'Item' status.So much so that her daughter (who between the ages of 8 & 12 I took to every City home game) rang me this morning in tears to welcome me back.She is now 20 & has a baby boy of her own...very strange.

Still mulling over this awesome development I settled in at home to watch the match & we all know what happened next.At full time I got a text from HER saying I must be pleased at the result & would I like to celebrate.Of course!..."where are we going?" Apparently we were going nowhere as she arrived on my doorstep 30 seconds later! Gentlemen...please picture this in your mind & tell me if you have ever heard better verbal foreplay than this..." I took a chance you wouldn't chuck a 2 goal lead so I came to help you celebrate.I left my knickers at home"

I've known marriages built on less!

Anyway...she left an hour ago & I am possibly the happiest man in England right now.

& to round it off,I had a 4/1 shot at Uttoxeter win by a head & had forgotten all about the bet until now! So thats the cost of dinner back in my pocket.

If Carlsberg made weekends...they'd still be ****ing shite compared to this one!

Shouldn't this be marked NSFW and 'over 18s only'?
Well...good morning my footballing brethren.I apologise in advance for the following ramble but I am filled with delirium & whiskey in equal parts.

I have just lived through what will,hopefully for the rest of my life,be known as "The Man Utd Weekend"

It began on Friday night.I went out to dinner.Not just any dinner mind you.

Do you remember the woman in your life that you had the most flamingly intense relationship with? Ups,downs,passion,debates,arguments...& sex that strips paint off the walls? Well this was dinner with HER.Time has gone by,water has flowed under bridges,we are both now older,wiser & more centred.Dinner was fun,nothing was forced or awkward & a fine time was had.

That was supposed to be it really.But something else happened.At around the time I was expecting to be back at home I found myself in a state of what can only be described as reckless sexual abandon.All the while remembering things that i had forgotten about this woman & wondering how the **** it was even possible to forget! Lets just say that if she'd been present Mary Whitehouse would have spontaneously combusted with rage.Older readers will understand when I say that the level of filth reached would match that of a 1970s train station toilet.Younger readers can use their imagination.Anyhow...the upshot of all this is that as of this morning myself & the woman in question are now back at 'Item' status.So much so that her daughter (who between the ages of 8 & 12 I took to every City home game) rang me this morning in tears to welcome me back.She is now 20 & has a baby boy of her own...very strange.

Still mulling over this awesome development I settled in at home to watch the match & we all know what happened next.At full time I got a text from HER saying I must be pleased at the result & would I like to celebrate.Of course!..."where are we going?" Apparently we were going nowhere as she arrived on my doorstep 30 seconds later! Gentlemen...please picture this in your mind & tell me if you have ever heard better verbal foreplay than this..." I took a chance you wouldn't chuck a 2 goal lead so I came to help you celebrate.I left my knickers at home"

I've known marriages built on less!

Anyway...she left an hour ago & I am possibly the happiest man in England right now.

& to round it off,I had a 4/1 shot at Uttoxeter win by a head & had forgotten all about the bet until now! So thats the cost of dinner back in my pocket.

If Carlsberg made weekends...they'd still be ****ing shite compared to this one!

Photo's or GTFO!
Well...good morning my footballing brethren.I apologise in advance for the following ramble but I am filled with delirium & whiskey in equal parts.

I have just lived through what will,hopefully for the rest of my life,be known as "The Man Utd Weekend"

It began on Friday night.I went out to dinner.Not just any dinner mind you.

Do you remember the woman in your life that you had the most flamingly intense relationship with? Ups,downs,passion,debates,arguments...& sex that strips paint off the walls? Well this was dinner with HER.Time has gone by,water has flowed under bridges,we are both now older,wiser & more centred.Dinner was fun,nothing was forced or awkward & a fine time was had.

That was supposed to be it really.But something else happened.At around the time I was expecting to be back at home I found myself in a state of what can only be described as reckless sexual abandon.All the while remembering things that i had forgotten about this woman & wondering how the **** it was even possible to forget! Lets just say that if she'd been present Mary Whitehouse would have spontaneously combusted with rage.Older readers will understand when I say that the level of filth reached would match that of a 1970s train station toilet.Younger readers can use their imagination.Anyhow...the upshot of all this is that as of this morning myself & the woman in question are now back at 'Item' status.So much so that her daughter (who between the ages of 8 & 12 I took to every City home game) rang me this morning in tears to welcome me back.She is now 20 & has a baby boy of her own...very strange.

Still mulling over this awesome development I settled in at home to watch the match & we all know what happened next.At full time I got a text from HER saying I must be pleased at the result & would I like to celebrate.Of course!..."where are we going?" Apparently we were going nowhere as she arrived on my doorstep 30 seconds later! Gentlemen...please picture this in your mind & tell me if you have ever heard better verbal foreplay than this..." I took a chance you wouldn't chuck a 2 goal lead so I came to help you celebrate.I left my knickers at home"

I've known marriages built on less!

Anyway...she left an hour ago & I am possibly the happiest man in England right now.

& to round it off,I had a 4/1 shot at Uttoxeter win by a head & had forgotten all about the bet until now! So thats the cost of dinner back in my pocket.

If Carlsberg made weekends...they'd still be ****ing shite compared to this one!

Pichers or it didn't happen
Oh god, placing my LCFC flag over my Utd supporting colleagues PC this morning felt bloody ace.

Can I just say that I think Cambiasso is simply sublime, I even dreamt about him last night, we went on a wonderful hike in the peak district and he really was a nice chap.

Oh shit, what are we going to do when Cambiasso retires?
Yesterday confirmed what I had hoped from last season - that like MON before him Pearson has achieved the creation of a close-knit unit that is far more than the sum of its parts. They look capable of going on to similar levels of achievement, if not more.

I am particularly impressed by the re-invigoration of some players who were being written off by many as has-beens. Konchesky and King particularly, and Nugent who seems to be revelling in his new role, but I would also include (perhaps to the surprise of some) deLaet. He has his lapses defensively, but all round his game has lifted beyond belief. I saw him play his last game for Man U when they were beaten 3-0 by Fulham and he was woeful. Some of his early performances for City were far from inspiring.

My grand-daughter, still not 3, saw her first football match this summer - the Bremen friendly. She was hooked, mainly I think by Filbert, and demanded a kit. Yesterday she watched the game on TV with her dad, wearing her shirt and apparently joining in every time he shouted. I have a lovely picture now of her, cleched fist aloft. The only problem is that she now wants to go out in her kit.....but she lives a mile and a half from Old Trafford in a street full od Manure supporters!!
...I am particularly impressed by the re-invigoration of some players who were being written off by many as has-beens. Konchesky and King particularly, and Nugent who seems to be revelling in his new role, but I would also include (perhaps to the surprise of some) deLaet. He has his lapses defensively, but all round his game has lifted beyond belief. I saw him play his last game for Man U when they were beaten 3-0 by Fulham and he was woeful. Some of his early performances for City were far from inspiring....

It is odd that Konch and Kingy particularly, look happier, better players at Prem level than they did in the Championship. It's also unfair to try to deconstruct that fabulous team perfomance into nitpicking (the Merc managed to give Vardy a 9 FFS - where's the Spinal Tap amp when you need it?), especially at De Laet's overcommitment from which the first goal resulted and assuming that Simpson wouldn't have made similar or other bad decision calls under that quality of attack. So ironic that those calls came to be made by Man U rather than us, and that Richie's awesome run to set up the fourth won us the game.

As the euphoria subsides, it's the sheer audacity and counter-intuitiveness of NP's game plan that's going to stick in the memory. Against four Galacticos in a diamond striker formation? Well we're going to play 4-3-3 and get the fullbacks overlapping as much as possible. No doubling up and other than Cambiasso's elegant boxing up of Rooney, little in the way of man-marking. As Alan Smith somewhat incredulously remarked when we were 3-1 down, "You know, they're really going for this!". Madness, sheer madness, as I kept saying for the first hour. More please.
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