Luis Suarez

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A Uruguayan footballer uses a term perfectly acceptable in his culture yet loses 2 months employment when he uses it here.
It wasn't a term perfectly acceptable in his culture, if it was he would not have been found guilty. And it's not me saying it, it is two independent experts in liguistics ( and South American linguistics as well, before you ask ) that the commission turned to that came to that conclusion.
It wasn't a term perfectly acceptable in his culture, if it was he would not have been found guilty. And it's not me saying it, it is two independent experts in liguistics ( and South American linguistics as well, before you ask ) that the commission turned to that came to that conclusion.

A muslim can come to this country and insist on wearing a Hijab despite the majority of people in our history, of similar attire, being either highwaymen or bank robbers.

A hijab is hardly offensive (to most people anyway).
A hijab is hardly offensive (to most people anyway).

This would say you're wrong.

Tabloid newspaper the Daily Express announced that 98% of its readers who had taken part in a phone-in poll on the subject supported a ban on the veil.[35]

Ipsos MORI conducted a more thorough opinion poll on 11 October 2006.[36] This found that 51% of the public agreed (saying they "strongly agree" or "tend to agree") that Straw was right to raise the issue, with 31% saying he was wrong. It also found 61% agreed with the statement: "By wearing a veil Muslim women are segregating themselves". However, 51% of the public thought that Straw's comments would damage race relations, and 77% agreed that "Muslim women should have the right to wear the veil".

In July 2010, Yougov conducted a poll of 2,205 adults in Britain, it found that 67% supported a complete ban on wearing the Burka across Britain.[37]
Hijab simply means modest clothing, though it is commonly applied to the headscarf that many moslem women wear. It is not a veil, or any other kind of face covering. I would have thought it a bit conspicuous for your average bank robber to wear
I saw a woman all covered up except for the eyes the other day, I though that was illegal in France. Maybe I should have called the police.
It could also have been a bank robber, in which case I definitely should have called the police!
things are not going well for Liverpool at a team bonding session pin the tail on the donkey had to be stopped as Andy Carrol was losing too much blood
It wasn't a term perfectly acceptable in his culture, if it was he would not have been found guilty. And it's not me saying it, it is two independent experts in liguistics ( and South American linguistics as well, before you ask ) that the commission turned to that came to that conclusion.
OK. You've caused me to read through the 115 page bloody report now and I agree, 'perfectly acceptable' should have been written 'often acceptable'. What I find unreal about that report is that they found the cheating c*** Evra to be more credible as a witness than the other cheating c*** Suarez.

As for finding hijabs offensive (Fryattfox), I didn't say that. I merely pointed out the need for two way cultural acceptance. Calling someone 'blackie' may be acceptable in South America, it isn't here in the same way as it may be acceptable to oppress women in middle eastern countries, it isn't here. Unless of course Cate forgets the custard creams when she makes the tea in the safe house, again.
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