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Come on you don't actually believe that do you?

'tis this season's narrative, now trotted out regularly by so many people even I'm starting to believe that it's true - even though it's complete and utter made up bollocks, and bears no resemblance whatsoever to anything that has actually happened in any game this season
The sad fact is that we might not ever know if he has another good season in him with us. I would bloody love to see an upturn in form though to see the season out. Maybe a proper pre-season and a bit of confidence at the start of next will be the trigger.
Why is there a groundswell of adulation towards this years Player of the Year who decided to jump ship at the first opportunity. Whereas, last seasons Player of the Year gets unending criticism for staying put?

Maybe because they recognise that Kante had an equally incredible season last year, and then gone on to have another (possibly better) incredible season this year and taken another team to the title

Whereas Mahrez has had one incredible season last year, and gone on to play like a complete spunk bubble this year
I think there is more evidence to suggest that teams have adjusted and he's struggled with it than there is that he doesn't fancy it.
I think there is more evidence to suggest that teams have adjusted and he's struggled with it than there is that he doesn't fancy it.

Why didn't teams adjust to it midway through last season?
Why didn't teams adjust to it midway through last season?

Should ask them. Lot more "film" on Leicester and Mahrez after last year. I'm sure managers up and down the country picked the bones out of us this summer.

Doesn't matter what I say or think though, your mind has been made up and so has mine. I'll be gutted to see him leave and he will likely always be my favourite city player.
Oh please! Last season when he got the ball he was decisive and was being double and treble teamed then

This season he gets the ball and takes 4 touches without actually going anywhere and actively waits for a defender, there is no decisiveness or aggression in his play
Should ask them. Lot more "film" on Leicester and Mahrez after last year. I'm sure managers up and down the country picked the bones out of us this summer.

Lots more film?! Lolz that's a good one.
Why didn't teams adjust to it midway through last season?
Norwich did it to good effect last season, until we shifted him into a central position behind Vardy and Ulloa, in the second half. Bournemouth did the same too, once they went down to 10 men. They're the ones I can think of.
I think the falsehood here is that he has 2 or 3 men marking him. It does seem that way compared to last year but in fact he has 1 man marking him - like last year. He then gets the ball and dithers or runs with it looking to take on his man, other teams are aware of this and they are given time to back up the first defender with a second and occasionally a third.

Last year he wouldn't have given them the time before passing the ball and moving to receive it back.

What is puzzling to me is when he eventually has the 3 players marking him how we never seem to have an open player.
I think there is more evidence to suggest that teams have adjusted and he's struggled with it than there is that he doesn't fancy it.
If evidence existed there'd be a uniformity of thinking on the issue. It's personal interpretations on observations, hence the divergence.

But, if it's down to teams being able to manage him then he's a busted flush. Unless he discovers a hitherto unknown method of coping, he'll spend most of his playing days being marginalised - unless he moves to a league where he gets more space.

And if it's due to his mind not being able to ramp himself up like he did last season, he's a passenger until he can sort it out - if he can ever sort it out.

I'd have wept buckets if he'd gone last summer, now I'd drive him to the airport. Talented? Without question. Committed? Hmm....
Norwich did it to good effect last season, until we shifted him into a central position behind Vardy and Ulloa, in the second half. Bournemouth did the same too, once they went down to 10 men. They're the ones I can think of.

This is true.

Mahrez moved around the pitch much more last season. This season, the team has not been anywhere near as much on the front foot and bold. This has affected Mahrez more than anyone.

One example. Remember on loads of occasions last season when the opposition had a corner and we put two or three players (Mahrez always being one of them) on the half way line. Scared the shite out of teams that did, whether it worked or not. It was aggressive, it was confident, and it said, 'feck your attack. we're still going to get you'.

Every corner now and all eleven of our players are back in our own penalty area. It's about safety first, it's about the fear of failure. And that, in a nutshell, is the entire reason why Mahrez isn't the same player this season.
One example. Remember on loads of occasions last season when the opposition had a corner and we put two or three players (Mahrez always being one of them) on the half way line. Scared the shite out of teams that did, whether it worked or not. It was aggressive, it was confident, and it said, 'feck your attack. we're still going to get you'.

Every corner now and all eleven of our players are back in our own penalty area. It's about safety first, it's about the fear of failure. And that, in a nutshell, is the entire reason why Mahrez isn't the same player this season.
My brother and I were discussing exactly the same thing last week.
This is true.

Mahrez moved around the pitch much more last season. This season, the team has not been anywhere near as much on the front foot and bold. This has affected Mahrez more than anyone.

One example. Remember on loads of occasions last season when the opposition had a corner and we put two or three players (Mahrez always being one of them) on the half way line. Scared the shite out of teams that did, whether it worked or not. It was aggressive, it was confident, and it said, 'feck your attack. we're still going to get you'.

Every corner now and all eleven of our players are back in our own penalty area. It's about safety first, it's about the fear of failure. And that, in a nutshell, is the entire reason why Mahrez isn't the same player this season.

Good post well made, although I wouldn't say it was the *entire* reason personally.
Absurd because it's a different opinion to yours?

The difference is Mahrez will still feel he's too big for the club next season. Hazard isn't too big for Chelsea.

Comparing Chelsea and Leicester is "beyond the absurd".
I wasn't comparing the two teams in any way; you compared them and then said it was absurd!

I was comparing the attitudes of the players only in part but also the readiness to change and adapt. There was no evidence Hazard would be great this year during last season; he most certainly is. There's no evidence that Mahrez won't be great next season unless you are counting on the very notional and totally subjective idea that, somehow, he now thinks he is 'above us' backed up only by hearsay and opinion.

It's not absurd to have a different opinion but it is absurd to want to ship out the greatest player our club has ever seen based on 30 odd games in a completely turbulent, bizarre and fraught season during which we've lost a manager, changed tactics and formations numerous times, played many more games and lost one of the best combative midfielders in the world. Sensible thought would surely suggest we should at least see if we can revitalise a player who could actually win us things.
Sensible thought would surely suggest we should at least see if we can revitalise a player who could actually win us things.
As long as we bring Kante back and don't change tactics or formation ever again?

Yeah ok I'd go with that...
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