Sven has 5 games

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I Thought it was that MON had a peice he had written removed from the program because of using it to attack some of the board, and so refused to write any more.
Sure was nice going to wembley four times, winning the league cup twice, getting promoted, finishing in the top ten of the prem for a few years in a row all while watching a list of legends like Izzet, Lennon, Elliott and Heskey turn out for the club.
Can you enlighten us on the events, spion?

I'm over 50 now so probably not.

My memories of that time are going to a stall on Leicester market to purchase a singe share certificate (in the company that controlled LCFC at that time) that would entitle me to attend a special meeting held at Mallory Park. From memory it was a meeting to discuss with shareholders the recent 'issues' concerning the GO4.

My programme (satisfied now BM?!) boycott started at around the same time.
As is mentioned so many times regarding how much is being spent on transfers - doesn't matter what happens off the pitch, we're only interested in the results....
Quote from SGE " Windows are not right". I always said Mac was the way to go.
Very interesting that a CEO could ban a Chairman from anything. I honestly don't remember what happened and only recall the situation at all because of spion's oh-so-occasional mentions that tight-fistedness (alone) is not the reason for him not buying a programme.

My recollection is that Barrie Pierpoint and three directors were determined to overthrow the PLC Chairman Sir Rodney Walker and the Chairman John Elsom. Their tactic was to make concerted personal attacks on first Sir Rodney and then when he walked out of the meeting on John Elsom who also walked out. The walkout was then taken by the Gang Of Four to be acts of resignation.

Pierpoint claimed that Elsom was not entitled to write in the programme because by walking out of the meeting he had resigned. I remember writing to the Mercury pointing out that resignations would normally be put in writing and that The Gang Of Four seemed to have learned their business erhics from The Mafia - but The Mercury perhaps wisely did not print it.

I seem to remember that there was some shareholders meeting at which the Gang Of Four were voted out. It always seemed to me that John Elsom was a good chairman who would later make a terrible error of jufgement. He appointed Peter Taylor as manager to the general approval of almost everybody in football and many fans including myself. The appointment was disastrous.

Since I was not involved in the club except as a supporter and relied on The Mercury and rumour for my information I may have been misinformed and my recollection may be hazy.
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P Pld Pts
1Manchester C  412
5Aston Villa49
7Nottm F48
10Manchester U46
13Tottenham 44
14West Ham44