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Thought I'd have a quick look at their careers.

Hopper has had middling success - 100+ appearances for Scunthorpe and current captain(!) at Lincoln in League 1.

Pearson bounced around at non-league level for a bit before retiring in 2020. Injury related, he said - but his career was petering out.

Adam Smith had a decent spell at Northampton immediately after the scandal...since then has slid down the leagues. Looks like he hasn't played regularly since turning out for Yeovil in 2020

Anyway. I should do some work.

Fair to say that their careers climaxed that evening then.
Pearson bounced around at non-league level for a bit before retiring in 2020. Injury related, he said - but his career was petering out.
I hadn’t realised he has been retired for that schlong.
Confuses the **** out of me. Apparently the BBC is either a government mouthpiece or a nest of lefty revolutionaries depending on what day it is. Or even what time of day it is.

Sometimes it's the same people saying both on different occasions.

Still it's to be expected I suppose. Same people who insisted to me for 18 months that you can't trust anything in the "mainstream media" have been plastering my social media feeds with links to Daily Express articles for a fair while now.

I blame lockdown. All that peaceful isolation made me forget that people are essentially wankers. I've remembered now.
So I'm a hypocrite because you've heard other people share a different view? That makes no sense. Apparently it's baffling to people that the state media of an imperialist country might take a view that reflects that state's interests. Alright then.

Have you actually watched BBC news just before we or one of our allies bombs the shit out of someone?
Sorry, thats not what I meant. It was a comment on the general level of confusion that people seem to have. Not you personally. I actually veer toward your viewpoint a lot more than the other. It's worse than ever & has been since Cameron packed the BBC with cronies between 2010 & 2015.

The intention is clearly to undermine & eradicate & it's working a treat. The BBC may well be pro government but it's nowhere near pro enough for this lot. They'd much rather have Paul Dacre & Andrew Neil in charge of all news in the UK if they had the choice.

What baffles me is the habit people have of veering wildly between opposite viewpoints.

The practice of dismissing all media as outright lies but then linking to articles in the gutter press as soon as thay say something you agree with is the behaviour of ****s. It's subtly shifted to that from the 2020/21 habit of linking to dubious youtube videos as if they were the gospel of ultimate truth. Drive me mad. The whole country seems to have had a critical faculty bypass in the last decade.
Confirmation bias.
Football anyone?

Here's a clip of Leicester being beaten in the FA cup :(

In 1907.

Yep. Always been baffled by it tbh. Anyone with an average IQ should be perfectly able to avoid it. Obviously they just don't want to. That's why there's probably no hope.
Problem is, half the population has a below average IQ. But their views and beliefs are given equal weight

quite a good article here laying out the situation at the club. I don't think Tanner normally has great links at the club, but this reads like he's been briefed by someone wanting to get an alternative narrative out there.

Key points for me:
  • Confirmation that the medical team shake up was at BR's instance (I think this has been the biggest mistake he's made at the club).
  • Confirmation that Congleton was BR's choice. The new head of recruitment has been the clubs choice.
  • The implication that the players signed last year were therefore BR's choices.
  • The club were happy to let Kasper leave as he could be a difficult character (seemed to have worked okay for the previous 10 years....but probably shows the weakness in the management team).
  • There's a general sense of impending doom around a number of players being down to the final few years of their contract.
  • Youri is no longer a first choice player.

I think we knew all of these things already, but I haven't seen the national media really put them together in one place until now.
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