Recent content by carterfox90

  1. C

    Fryatt to Hull

    for £ 4 million i would snap their hands off & use the money to get beckford in
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    No news is bad news?

    we have to be patient all of a sudden after june 30th it will sart happening when the players contracts all run out
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    Joey Barton

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    Peterborough ticket

    this is going to be one hard game i for one am worried our players will have to step up & compete & find some passion
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    Kisnorbo wants to stay for life

    may be worth keeping for next season to see how he gets on after his injury he obviously came back to early before
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    thought we were very poor but cannot expect to win every game
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    he should still be behind bars after what he did people get longer for murder a knife or a car they are both weapons he should thank his lucky stars that oldham took him on
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    Cleverley Impresses In Walsall

    the top teams are letting us have these players only so they learn the mentallity of winning week in week out it will be interesting how many loanies we get next year in the championship
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    Logan back

    yes special agent oo-blue army lol
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    This is worth a look

    keep it may come in handy if you ever run out of loo paper!!
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    Logan back

    sorry but agents have ruined our great game just for their own financial gain w#nkers
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    What could happen now?

    spot on exactly how i feel to
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    2-1 win at Northampton

    a good win today keeps us on track
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    Fryatt ....will he stay ?

    great post true collymore just wanted to belong he needed to be treated with kid gloves