Recent content by Sky Blue Boy

  1. S


    yank your getting on my tits. what about all the FESTER twats who invaded our boards and all the Wolves and Forest scum who come on here they don't seem to have anything better to do either and at least Sky Blues stick together not like you lot
  2. S


    Your moaning about my spelling and stuff just look around on this board my friend. And looks whos talking about me cant keep away from this board havent you get better things to do than worry about FESTER in America then. Yeah and your all fooling your stupid FESTER selves according to the...
  3. S


    so why do you go on about missing him? your not making mcuh sense. If its the same bloke hes a bit dangerous if you ask me
  4. S


    Whydo you want a bloke on your board who twats his own fans? Theres defanately summat wrong with you lot
  5. S

    The Good, The Bad And the Ugly

    What the f*ck are you all on? You Fester lot are weird
  6. S

    The Good, The Bad And the Ugly

    Weird day man. You lot should have stuffed us cos we're sh*t at the moment. Knew that carthorse would score and knew we'd get back into it. You aint going to get promotion this year, no way man. We'll be there before you. Shame all the midlands clubs are so crap though. Didnt come on here to...