Recent content by stul

  1. S

    Peterborough 2 Leicester 0

    Twice as many went down in black than blue. Despite all of the elbows from your lot.
  2. S

    Peterborough 2 Leicester 0

    Hello. Both teams were beaten by the weather in the first half today but we (Posh) murdered you in the second half. The fella that said only one Posh player would get in the Leicester squad is having a laugh? Every single Posh player was far better than their Leicester counterpart today -...
  3. S

    Leicester 4 Peterborough 0

    Cracking day out for us until about 3.03pm. Filled Walkabout with Posh fans, stopped at The Victory for one on the way and were made to feel very welcome. Top stuff. We were terrible as a team today (but couldn't single any individuals out really) - all long passes, but the performance...
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    He will be a very good keeper. Few too many mistakes amongst the great saves at the moment though.
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    Slagging Northampton. You'll be very welcome at London Road with an attitude like that.
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    McLean and Mackail-Smith are the two hardest working forwards I have ever seen. However, both of them are terrible finishers and need four or five chances for each goal (McLean must have been having a good finishing day when you saw him). We have signed Gabby Zakauni at centre back and he is...
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    Very friendly. Aren't you clever?
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    We (Posh) are the most skillful side in the division and in George Boyd we have it's best player (he's still on the way up - Fryatt, before you argue, has simply found his level). However, we have been looking worse and worse over the last few weeks and I see a 4-1 to Leicester coming up - or...
  9. S

    good morning Foxes, Poshie here

    It was a long time before my time, but that must have been the best non-league team of all time (is that a good thing?). I understand Gateshead were unlucky to drop out though. I am old enough to remember your 8,000 going home with their tails between their legs (or cocks in the case of the...
  10. S

    good morning Foxes, Poshie here

    Our forum is this way: Ooh I feel like Wizbit. We are all looking forward to this match. There are plenty who are trying to say this is a local derby - but we couldn't give a monkeys toss about you (in the nicest possible sense, of course). I believe that...
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    Word Association Game

  12. S


    Thanks guys. Just trying to organise a day out with a load of guys (not Posh fans) but I won't hang around waiting for them to get my ticket. Don't want to miss this one. I'm sure you'll all be terribly honoured :icon_wink that lot's of Posh fans are looking forward to this one. Will the...
  13. S


    Hello. How many tickets are likely to be given to Posh for the Dec 20 match? We've been given an initial of 3000 and they are going very quickly. Is there likely to be a chance of getting any more? Thanks.
  14. S

    First visit to the Walkers stadium

    Although the folks on here won't believe it, Northampton v Peterborough is likely to be an early kick off too.
  15. S

    Welcome to the third division

    Now, as a Peterborough fan that sounds fantastic, but I'm sure for you guys it's anything but. None the less, you have two options as I see it. You can bitch, moan and generally act like you are bigger than everybody else which is what Forest and Leeds have done or you can just accept it and...