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  1. S

    Why Are Forest Still Relevant To Us?

    Why are forest still relevant to us? If your at the city ground this satday, come full-time tell me the horrible bast@rds arent relevant to us then! Inside and outside the ground there is a clear hatred between each other that will never go away.
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    Paul Gallagher

    PG is a decent creative player, i agree with the person who said he would be best suited in yanns role behind the strikers tho, think we would see the best of him there as well as the front 2 thriving off the service. it doesnt always have to come from the wings, its great we can mix up the play...
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    will it kick off at forest??

    oh cheers gwilliams!! for the record im no trouble causer, i dont see the point in all that crap, its mainly 17 year old chavs acting up anyway cos they got 10 of there mates with them! .if you saw the same people the next day without there ''boys'' they wudnt say boo to a goose! find a pub have...
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    will it kick off at forest??

    yeh think your right harbro fox.. oh yeah, does anyone know where our lot usually drink b4 kick off cos ended up outside an off licience for hour n half last time cos we werent welcome anywhere?.. "its not where u start its where u finish"
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    will it kick off at forest??

    no not really fella, either way il be there. just wondered what everyones thoughts were cos everytime ive been to the city ground theres been crowd trouble..
  6. S

    will it kick off at forest??

    went to the carling cup games a couple of seasons ago and both times the forest scum waited outside the row of bars on the corner for a scrap with some of them resorting to throwing bottles at leic fans walking with there kids! bang out of order!.. are we expecting same again,wot u think...