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  1. R


    I dont think that henderson is as bad as he looked last night . Remember he had very little time to prepare him self for the game . And it must be hard to come as sub being a goalie at half time .
  2. R

    First game

    mine was 1-1 against Derby at filbo 1983 . Think Steve Lynex scored . Sat in the Double Decker .
  3. R

    How About a Director Of Football

    I would like to see RK given the managers job untill the end of season . With experianced back up like Brian Kidd , who as been out work for a bit ( and would be cheep ). With all the rejections we are getting , I've a gut feeling we will make a bad appointment . Let's wait till the summer ...
  4. R

    get your money on .......

    I have a friend at work , who's mate works down at LCFC . And Sir Bobby has been contacted requarding the job till the end of the season. His role with the ROI is very part time , and with them not in the world cup . He has very little to do . The LCFC job will see him through to the Euro .
  5. R

    get your money on .......

    Bobby Robson