3rd Eye

Should Video Replays Be Allowed During Play

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Definately, we've been on the end of some dodgy decisions, there never used to be a game go by without us being shyed out of a penalty, this would help Dickov notch up 30 a season easily.
There could be an offical in the crowd who could have a TV monitor. The ref and the official could be linked up and communicate on certain controversial issues. It's for the best. :)

It's the inconsistency which makes the game so much of a laugh...the injustice seems to be contained on a merry-go-round and pays people back equally in the end...
I think it would add to the exitement of a match, waiting for the decision of the 5th official. the technology is already in place, I suppose the only problem would be getting dick head referees to admit their not sure and ask for help in the first place ! another thing I feel strongly about is the time keeping, surely it`s time for this to be taken away from the ref, he has enough to think about already, an independent timekeeper with his clock linked to the scoreboard so we can all see that "stoppage" time is being added properly would be better, this would also mean we would all get more actual playing time for our hard earned money ! what do you reckon ?

I agree that it wouldn't slow the game down, but the whole point of football is moaning about how rubbish the referee was. If video replays are used it would take away that aspect of the game. Also the decisions made would balance out during the season as they always do and so we wouldn't benefit that much.

Who could we have blamed after the Birmingham game if there had been video replays? The video replay wouldn't have changed the sending off decisions.

Also how would we know if the person watching the video replay would always make a decision correct? Haven't you ever watched a game on TV where you and a mate have had a different opinion on a decision no matter how many times you watch the replay?
Willlow said:

...but the whole point of football is moaning about how rubbish the referee was...

I thought the whole point of football was watching my beloved LCFC win games and make me and all fellow LCFC fanatics smile.
But it is easier to blame the referee for losing a game then it is to admit that we weren't good enough.
Willlow said:
But it is easier to blame the referee for losing a game then it is to admit that we weren't good enough.

It's easier, but fruitless. I thought you said "the whole point of football is moaning about how rubbish the referee was.."
Willlow said:

I agree that it wouldn't slow the game down, but the whole point of football is moaning about how rubbish the referee was. If video replays are used it would take away that aspect of the game. Also the decisions made would balance out during the season as they always do and so we wouldn't benefit that much.

Who could we have blamed after the Birmingham game if there had been video replays? The video replay wouldn't have changed the sending off decisions.

Also how would we know if the person watching the video replay would always make a decision correct? Haven't you ever watched a game on TV where you and a mate have had a different opinion on a decision no matter how many times you watch the replay?

Absolutely spot on. I sat with a mate watching the Man Utd game after I got back from our game and even after a replay he thought Shearer's wasn't a pen! I thought it was a definite pen....... It's all opinions. I watch cricket too, and bad decisions are still made using the video replay. So I wouldn't introduce it, because you can't just use it for goalline decisions. When it is brought in they'll be no stopping it, we'll be using it for 50/50 throw ins b4 long...
Videro replays should never ever ever be allowed in football. The beuty of football is you can go out onto the park with a few mates and find a bunch of lads and challenge them to a match. You play pretty much the same game as they do in the premiership except you don't hasve linesmen.

Contreversy is football. Imagine football without the uprage against a dodgy refereeing decision. People don't realise it but the refereeing ,istakes are all part of it.
trickytrev said:
Contreversy is football. Imagine football without the uprage against a dodgy refereeing decision. People don't realise it but the refereeing ,istakes are all part of it.

I disagree. Refereeing mistakes are part of the game that we shouldn't have to worry about. There is fair to much money involved and IMO a hefty handful of bias towards the big clubs.

Bringing the cameras into the game would make it a tiny bit slower but an immense amount more fair.
It's a classy debate, abit like the Hutton enquiry! Everyone can argue it either way, the game has become highly successful without the use and aid of camera's. I think it would be a huge change, and football would never be the same again. Whether it would make it better, is there to be seen but i'm not so sure. As Tricky Trev said football is all about you and your mates challenging a few other lads to a game of football, that's how we all got in to football as a kid. Watching and playing, pretending to be your favourite player and actually thinking your playing the same game as all the big boys! I say keep it as it is, there's too much shady stuff going in football already.
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