Anyone else bored with Birch and his legends?

Does Birch and his legends bore you?

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Im sorry, but Birch bores me at half time with LCFC legends. Most of half time is taken up by Birch bollocking on about some old hazbean. I mean, its good once in a while to mark a landmark such as the last game at Filbo but it gets a bit tedious seeing Birch wheel these 'legends' out week in week out. The club has become obsessed with these so called 'Legends'.
I quote from the Tottenham programme, from a column entitled 'Todays Legends':
"The cult man...Kevin Russel. Keven never actually held down a regular place while playing under David Pleat and Brian Little, making only 30 first team starts"
"The nearly man...Ian Baraclough, who formed a deadly partnership at youth level with Paul Kitson. Regretfully, Ian found it hard to transfer that promise into fulfilment at senior level, starting only 1 game for city in an injury struck team that lost at home in the F.A. Cup to Barnsly"
Are they taking the piss?

Another thing. LCFC does not have a particcularly impressive history. However, the match day programme is absolutely full of nostalgia.
e.g. The Ex-Files, All our yesterdays, Memories of todays visitors, Ex-players association.

It seems that the club gets a good idea, but then gets stuck on it and doesn't move on. We had that bloke singing Nessum Dorma about 5 times last season! And Birch did that kids penalty shoot out for absolutely years.
I would love to see the return of the competition where you had to hit the goal post twice out of 3 attempts to win a car. That was class! :D
I was in that penalty shootout back in 1982. Scored all 5. And i'm not lying. Ask Carl Muggleton. I put a hat-trick past him once.
The legends at the last home game were:
Kevin Russell - 30 appearences
Ian Baraclough - 1 appearence
FNQ said:
The legends at the last home game were:
Kevin Russell - 30 appearences
Ian Baraclough - 1 appearence

To be honest they are scrapping the barrel when they call these legends! Brian Carey will be next! " He was never any good and slower than my mum but here is Brian Carey!!!"
FNQ said:
The legends at the last home game were:
Kevin Russell - 30 appearences
Ian Baraclough - 1 appearence

Christ... If these are two of our legends then we really have had a shit history :oops:
and Graham cross, who is a legend. But i think we should only get the real legends out for special occasions. It looses its meaning doing it every week.
I think we've only had "real" legends out on the pitch so far. I suppose it depends how old you are whether you remember them.

The other former players mentioned in the programme don't go out on the pitch, they're just guests at the match.
Perhaps tomorrow we might have Simon Grayson... He played for Blackburn aswell...

Personally I'd be more than happy to see him. He was alot better and did alot more for the club than he was ever given credit for...

On the bigger point though, I do agree that bringing out 'Legends' every week does devalue there presence...
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