BBC Sports Personality of the Year

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You'd have to give her one, though, wouldn't you ?

Nice piece of posh totty, loves bouncing around on top of a good stallion. Lovely Jubbly (and lovely jubblies)
Actually, whilst we are on the subject, what the feck has Theo Walcott done to deserve Young Sports Personality of the Year

Earnt himself a big fat contract at the Arse, never plays first team football, and was a disgraceful selection for the World Cup by Mr 'Thirteen Grand a Day Bastard' Eriksson

BBC are truly a feckin' joke when it comes to sport
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Nah little fella,weightlifter from donkeys years ago
Precious MATTHEWS it was......sorry:icon_roll

I would love to say ZP didn't deserve to win it, but to justify that comment I'd have to come up with a name of somebody who did!!!.

Darren Clarke?? I think the whole United Kingdom was touched by his story and for him to play like he did in the Ryder Cup after such a tragic event IMO deserves to be Sports Personality of The Year. How Zara Phillips won this is beyond me!! I would say that about 50% of the British public don't even know what 'sport' she 'plays'!! Even more of a blatant fix than the previous US Presidential elections!!!
Darren had a nice suit on.......
Darren Clarke?? I think the whole United Kingdom was touched by his story and for him to play like he did in the Ryder Cup after such a tragic event IMO deserves to be Sports Personality of The Year. How Zara Phillips won this is beyond me!! I would say that about 50% of the British public don't even know what 'sport' she 'plays'!! Even more of a blatant fix than the previous US Presidential elections!!!
This isn't the "heartship" awards or the "courageous" people awards. It's about sporting achievements and sporting greatness.

To give it to Darren Clarke would have been a humiliation for the poor guy and seen by him and the rest of the UK as a "sympathy" vote.

Darren Clarke was part of the Ryder Cup team yes, but it should go to the captain, or any oustanding player, of which Clarke wasn't one of them.

You simply can't give sporting achievements out because they have battled through a personal tragedy. Millions of people are doing that all day every day
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Yes but he did play very well in the Ryder Cup and was the only one from the team that was nominated (well shown on that advert anyway). Can you think of another British sports-person that achieved anything better?? Maybe Woosey then as he was the captain but the Ryder Cup was about the only sporting event where we maintained some respect in even though it was with the rest of europe!! Every other sport we have been the laughing stock of!!
Why should ZP be given the award, all she does is sit on a horse, its the facking horse that does all the hard work and therefore the horse should get the award!!
This isn't the "heartship" awards or the "courageous" people awards. It's about sporting achievements and sporting greatness.

To give it to Darren Clarke would have been a humiliation for the poor guy and seen by him and the rest of the UK as a "sympathy" vote.

Darren Clarke was part of the Ryder Cup team yes, but it should go to the captain, or any oustanding player, of which Clarke wasn't one of them.

You simply can't give sporting achievements out because they have battled through a personal tragedy. Millions of people are doing that all day every day

But isn't it Sports 'Personality' least Darren Clarke showed he'd got one.Better that some posh tart twatting about on horses. don't think whether you are a Champion etc should come into it.
I'm not saying ZP should have won it, a while ago in this or another thread I said that Woosy should get it.

This award never has, and I doubt ever will be about personality despite it's title
Well it should be.
I agree entirely, and it seems year after year I'm screaming to my mrs "What the **** has he/she won it for, they're as thick as two short planks and about as exciting as snails"
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