Biggest diagrace

Biggest disgrace?

  • City players

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I think the fans, particcularly in the first half when it was 0-0. It was absolutely silent. If the fans who have been supporting the club for decades can't get up for a game, the players are hardly likely too.
Shame on us.
The fans. Absolutely pathetic. If I was a player, I wouldn't bother playing for that load of shit tbh. Canero & Dabizas must be gutted with their decision to come here.
yeah, discraceful. i was thinking - ian walker must be pretty pissed. he puts his all in every week and in the first half yesterday he made to world class saves, then some guy who calls himself a supporter confronts him after he's been giving his all for us. i wouldnt be surprised if walker wanted to leave with us having fans that confront our best players, throw programmes onto the pitch halfway through a match and leave 30mins before the end. and what good is it doing his england chances at a club conceded 16goals in 4 games??
pipes said:
they havent used the crowd as an excuse

I'm not saying they have. What I am saying is that the posters on here can't suggest that the crowd was to (partly) blame for us losing 5-0.
yeah ok. the crowd isnt to blame for us being crap, the players are, im with u on that one.
i think the fans and the parts of the crowd were equally discraceful. some left 30mins early!
i didnt - for 3 reasons:
1)im a leicester fan, i support leicester whether we win or whether we lose 5-0
2)i payed good money to watch it and im gona watch all 90mins that i payed for
3)it was too entertaining :lol:

dont get me wrong, yesterday was dissapointing - but we are no worse off than if we had lost 1-0 in the last minute like we usually do
I admit that is what I am saying!!

How can the Players play when the Worsst set of Fans away are outsinging the Home fans, By leaps and bounds, The fans aren't showing any support, Me and My brother are the only ones who clap and chant and shoput the whole way throught the match in our area!!!!!
BY the way i'd like to point out I'm Fox Mental's brother
No its all true! the reason one is on Worcestershire and one is in B'ham is beacuse we used to live in B'ham when i set up my account, then we moved just out side (but still go to school in the god auful place) when FM set up his account we had moved.

Scow that was a good game, down at Bolton - the last good Leicester game i've seen!

Hope you enjoyed FM half time company! :wink: :wink: :wink:
Well, I was all by myself anyway, and he was a good lad to speak to......Didn't plan the trip to Bolton. Arranged to go the game at 3am on the day of the game, arranged some transport, and that was that! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe If I go to a few more away games, then maybe my presence will bring us some more luck. One of a very few games I went to and we came from behind to get a point!!! :lol: 8)

Oh, and if I didn't say so at the time (i'm sure i did! :lol: ) Thanks Fox Fan/Fox Mental, and not to forget Mad Biker who arranged the transport........Great day out....Even though it was fecking cold!!! :( :lol: :wink:
Think about that fat dude infront with no shirt on who the cops were filming!
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