Buzzer told me ....

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That his friend from college, knows Levi Porter personally ! And Levi told him that MA has told him he is gunna play next season !What do you guys think ?
My brother's friend's dad is an ex-ref and has TV's in his car! :shock:

I don't think Porter will get a run in the team, but I think he'll make some sub appearances.
Ashov said:
That his friend from college, knows Levi Porter personally ! And Levi told him that MA has told him he is gunna play next season !What do you guys think ?

I hope this is a proxy for a few of the younger lads get a run out. :wink:
Thats what my mate told me at college. He goes up town with him and also used to go school with him. I would like to see young lads next season but wouldnt you say Levi is abit too small.
beaumontfox said:
Louis Dodds girlfriend works in Rackhams and she said he has been told he will be in the first team squad next season as well.....

All of you seem to have some sort of a connection to a player i feel left out, only one i know is Marvin Bryan who was Rov Rum right back, who was released last summer and packed football in at the age of 27 to become a lorry driver.
I went to school with both Louis and Az Butcher.

Butcher was twice the player Louis was, hes the best player I've ever played with or against.
CM said:
I went to school with both Louis and Az Butcher.

Butcher was twice the player Louis was, hes the best player I've ever played with or against.

same here-never saw butcher tho bt both were meant to be good players-another from groby has come through this year ricky muggleton and hes quality bt is only 16
Jonny said:
CM, do you know Louis' cousin, Chris?
No, sorry. I know his brother though, Tom. I think he was on the LCFC books but got injured.

I also know Ricky's sister. She is really fit :mrgreen:
I'v played against Levi Porter, long time ago during high school. He isnt the biggest player in the world but his pace and skill was apprent straight away. Won't go into many details about the match except he played up front and scored i think 4 or 5 and i was playin centre back :oops:!!!
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