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Well-Known Member
I have been an overweight git without a bike but now I'm and over-weight git without a bike who is cycling 50 miles in order to raise money for a local hospice.

There can not be many people who have not been touched by cancer - to themselves, family or friends. We have lost family and (recently) a very good friend to this disease.

I want to raise money so that those who have to suffer in the future are well looked after.


Just been asked who it's for:

I'm raising funds for the Cransley Hospice where my wife's mother spent her final days, and in the memory of a dear friend who passed away last month.

I was inspired by Eddie Izzard's marathon running and delivering gigs in self-taught French & German.

I'm completing the 50mile course in the Notts Great Bike Ride and then putting in motion plans to do something really idiotic (for a fat, unfit bloke).

I'm not a sucker for charities as a rule but cancer is an odious disease which robs people of happiness. I'd like to try to ease that suffering in a small way.

Woo. Go Big Society me.

As someone else said to me - this shouldn't have to come down to individuals raising funds...but it does so here I go.
And thank you so much to everybody else who has contributed so far, I'm bowled over. Thank you.
I've just tried to donate and there's a problem with the site - I'll have another go tomorrow :)
All the bloody best to you.

For some ridiculous reason this site is blocked at work - but I'm going to give it a go on my phone later.
Thanks peoples - I spoke to Diane, the fundraiser at the hospice, and she is delighted with you all.

She was quite enthusiastic to discover my plan to cycle from London to Madrid in 2012. Anyone fancy sponsoring me by the mile for that?

I was going to do John'O'Groats-Lands End but my brother fancies coming too and reckons it'd be better to cycle somewhere warm without mosquitoes!
Thanks peoples - I spoke to Diane, the fundraiser at the hospice, and she is delighted with you all.

She was quite enthusiastic to discover my plan to cycle from London to Madrid in 2012. Anyone fancy sponsoring me by the mile for that?

I was going to do John'O'Groats-Lands End but my brother fancies coming too and reckons it'd be better to cycle somewhere warm without mosquitoes!

I cycled John O'Groats to Lands End and back in 1991. Believe me, warm weather is the last thing that you need. Midges were not a problem either; they're mainly on the west coast and prefer still air.
I cycled John O'Groats to Lands End and back in 1991. Believe me, warm weather is the last thing that you need. Midges were not a problem either; they're mainly on the west coast and prefer still air.

There's other reasons too: I've never been to Spain, we love France, the roads are nicer, the hills more impressive, so many people do LEJOG it's dull and there's almost a total absence of Scots over La Manche.

If I do it here there's the temptation I'll back out at some point and phone the missus to collect me - over there I'll have to get to the destination in order to catch the flight.
Thanks peoples - I spoke to Diane, the fundraiser at the hospice, and she is delighted with you all.

She was quite enthusiastic to discover my plan to cycle from London to Madrid in 2012. Anyone fancy sponsoring me by the mile for that?

I was going to do John'O'Groats-Lands End but my brother fancies coming too and reckons it'd be better to cycle somewhere warm without mosquitoes!

Anything to stop you posting for a few days. :icon_bigg
Hopefully you got my PM, there seems to be a glitch with Tapatalk. The gist of it was thank you very much for the donation :)

Yes, thanks for the PM. You're getting near your target now, hopefully you will exceed it. As another fat git, I ran a 10k for Marie Curie a few years ago. it nearly bloody killed me but I managed it in under an hour. I found it helpful to have a target like that to get me round. Best of luck.
Again, thank you to each and every one who has contributed.

Considering wife has yet to contribute and work have been giving me cash I've more than hit target.

Cheers, you're all wonderful :)


The bike I was hoping to resurrect is dead - so I've got to go shopping for a new'un. And that means I've got to find the money to pay for it from somewhere.
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