Cherno Samba

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Can anyone remember this chap? Two or three years ago, Man Utd, Arsenal, Juventus, Barca and everyone was trying to sign him. He was getting more hype than Freddy Adu has got and there was talk of Man Utd paying Millwall £3 million for him when he was 14-15. Well to cut a long story short, this young man has just been released by Millwall. Is he worth bringing in and seeing if we can develop him? Surely a player with this much talent at a young age can't just lose it over night, I mean we're talking about a player who broke academy records and everything. I'm sure this doesn't mean he's guaranteed to be a world beater and if he was that good Millwall would have kept him, but i'd have a bash (nothing gay obviously)

Petrescu, Samba, O'Grady three pronged attack?
good call son. iv herd that he is a cocky little bastard, and this may be a reason for Millwall havin released him. If he was given a new lease of life at another club, lets say Leicester, he might find that golden touch of his.

but at usual i bet we won't, we never seem to take chances on players anymore. Lets just stick to the tried and tested, eh micky.
Blowski_Blue said:
good call son. iv herd that he is a cocky little bastard, and this may be a reason for Millwall havin released him. If he was given a new lease of life at another club, lets say Leicester, he might find that golden touch of his.

but at usual i bet we won't, we never seem to take chances on players anymore. Lets just stick to the tried and tested, eh micky.
Yeah, Canero and Morris are right has beens :roll:
Before anyone else says it, quality on Champ man.
Ricey said:
homer said:
quality on Champ man.

But not good enough for Millwall

Millwall, for god's sake...........

Maybe he didn't want to sign a new contract?

Apparently since all the hype he has had Millwall wanted to protect him and didn't throw him straight in to the team, he sounds like a cocky chap and he has thrown a huff a few times. I think Millwall thought he would have progressed how they wanted him to by now, but he hasn't. He is still banging them in for their reserves and for England Youth set-ups.

It will be interesting to see what happens to him, as he was hyped up something huge.
Yeah, I remember that Malf. He was the next big thing, and he was spoken in the same potential bracket as Joe Cole, Wayne Rooney etc. I'm not sure what's happened to him, but as you said, you just don't lose ability overnight.

He probably does have the ability, but it's not all about that. His attitude might have been a factor in him being released. If you look at someone like Carlton Cole at Chelsea (On loan at Charlton) he is someone who is very much like Samba in style. Has all the attributes to be a top class striker, but often his lack of application and attitude let's him down. I've seen Samba play once for one of the England youth teams, and he impressed me back then. He has pace, height, power and finishing ability.

Could be worth the risk, but let's be realistic, it's not going to happen. Unless Malf writes one of his letters to Micky. :wink:
Scowcroft said:
Yeah, I remember that Malf. He was the next big thing, and he was spoken in the same potential bracket as Joe Cole, Wayne Rooney etc. I'm not sure what's happened to him, but as you said, you just don't lose ability overnight.

He probably does have the ability, but it's not all about that. His attitude might have been a factor in him being released. If you look at someone like Carlton Cole at Chelsea (On loan at Charlton) he is someone who is very much like Samba in style. Has all the attributes to be a top class striker, but often his lack of application and attitude let's him down. I've seen Samba play once for one of the England youth teams, and he impressed me back then. He has pace, height, power and finishing ability.

Could be worth the risk, but let's be realistic, it's not going to happen. Unless Malf writes one of his letters to Micky. :wink:

It might not happen, but he'll go somewhere surely. How the hell did O'Neill ever find Izzet, i'm sure Micky will have a list of players who have been released from clubs and if he spies Samba and knows a few things about him who knows. The main purpose of this thread was to show how over-hyping a player can be devastating. Samba has obviously become very cocky and his football has suffered, no doubt he could re-find this talent though. He once scored something like 130 goals in 25 games for a london schoolboy team.
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