Crystal Palace Post Match Thread

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"I will hereby sommenly swear forthwith to never insult a fellow poster, to agree with all senior members and to never even try and crack a joke or offer any hint

I'm not a senior member for about another one and a half thousand posts yet. You can insult me until then if you like :)
Oh my life, I can't quite believe what I am reading!

What is so unbelievable?
How could anybody have any idea how much positivity or negativity Melton has in his life unless they knew him personally?
What do you find so unbelievable about that? :102:

Strikes me that certain people are allowed to say what they want whereas others incur the wrath of the "senior members".

Absolute nonsense.
Post whatever you like as long as it's within the forum rules.
As a general rule, attack the post and not the poster and you won't go far wrong.

To be honest, I am somewhat tired by all this guff anyway.

Well that's good to read, you constant posts berating Melton were quite tedious and appeared to be getting obsessive.

If Melton is upset, he needs to grow up. If he is six years of age, then I apologise.

I couldn't tell you if he's upset or not, but if somebody kept posting uncalled for attacks on me it'd probably spoil my enjoyment of the site, wouldn't you be the same?

"I will hereby sommenly swear forthwith to never insult a fellow poster, to agree with all senior members and to never even try and crack a joke or offer any hint of sarcasm as long as I shall support Leicester City"

Now I have sworn this oath wearing my LCFC novelty socks whilst saluting a picture of Matty Elliott and smoking a peace pipe - please accept my forgiveness?

Why would anybody need your forgiveness???

And I promise this post contains no intended sarcasm or humour.

Well, obviously not.
What is so unbelievable?
How could anybody have any idea how much positivity or negativity Melton has in his life unless they knew him personally?
What do you find so unbelievable about that? :102:

Absolute nonsense.
Post whatever you like as long as it's within the forum rules.
As a general rule, attack the post and not the poster and you won't go far wrong.

Well that's good to read, you constant posts berating Melton were quite tedious and appeared to be getting obsessive.

I couldn't tell you if he's upset or not, but if somebody kept posting uncalled for attacks on me it'd probably spoil my enjoyment of the site, wouldn't you be the same?

Why would anybody need your forgiveness???

Well, obviously not.

Spot on Macky.
What is so unbelievable?
How could anybody have any idea how much positivity or negativity Melton has in his life unless they knew him personally?
What do you find so unbelievable about that? :102:

Absolute nonsense.
Post whatever you like as long as it's within the forum rules.
As a general rule, attack the post and not the poster and you won't go far wrong.

Well that's good to read, you constant posts berating Melton were quite tedious and appeared to be getting obsessive.

I couldn't tell you if he's upset or not, but if somebody kept posting uncalled for attacks on me it'd probably spoil my enjoyment of the site, wouldn't you be the same?

Why would anybody need your forgiveness???

Well, obviously not.

Your response to that post speaks volumes - thanks for confirming exactly what I thought. Senior Member indeed. Very apt title.:100::062::062:
I'm not a senior member for about another one and a half thousand posts yet. You can insult me until then if you like :)

Thanks SpionFox - well I don't like your clothes and I think you are selfish. Is that a good start!!:icon_lol:
Well, I don't post as often as I could, I tend to read more but tbh from what I've seen of H. Matt's posts recently he comes across as an idiot.

I really hope he isn't one in real life. And if he isn't not, it begs the question why he feels the need to act like one on a forum.

Just my tuppence for what it's worth!
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Your response to that post speaks volumes - thanks for confirming exactly what I thought. Senior Member indeed. Very apt title.:100::062::062:

I have to say I'm incredibly impressed with your retort. That's a very cogent and persuasive argument that you've presented.

I especially liked the 'Senior Member' part, very, very witty I can't believe nobody has made such an amusing jape before now. Do you do that kind of thing for a living?
As eloquent as ever fitz!

Boc tells me you have bleached your hair btw? Is this true?:icon_eek:

aye, i bleached my hair and beard at christmas so i could go to work on christmas eve as santa claus...went horribly wrong, then got the beard shaved off and hair cut, still got bleached hair though

look like a right charva
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aye, i bleached my hair and beard at christmas so i could go to work on christmas eve as santa claus...went horribly wrong, then got the beard shaved off and hair cut, still got bleached hair though

look like a right charva


I noticed it in the Kop a couple of games ago.
I have to say I'm incredibly impressed with your retort. That's a very cogent and persuasive argument that you've presented.

I especially liked the 'Senior Member' part, very, very witty I can't believe nobody has made such an amusing jape before now. Do you do that kind of thing for a living?

I'm performing at the Albert Hall all week.

Here's one for you

"Did you here the one about the short sighted circumciser?"

"He got the sack"

Thank you very much, I'm here all week.
Your response to that post speaks volumes - thanks for confirming exactly what I thought. Senior Member indeed. Very apt title.:100::062::062:

The 'senior member'/'junior member' is put there by the list software - it relates only to the number of posts that the person has made. It is in no part an objective assessment, either by the individual or any other person.
As eloquent as ever fitz!

Boc tells me you have bleached your hair btw? Is this true?:icon_eek:

Are you suggesting that I might tell a lie?
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