darren maddy 20-20

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Well-Known Member
i did put it in cricket but seeming as most of you uncultured gits dont post i there ill post here.

is anyone going to the benefit 20-20 game. i believe paddy mac, steve walsh and matty elliot are all in the leicestershire allstars team, should be a good night. £5
lako42 said:
i did put it in cricket but seeming as most of you uncultured gits dont post i there ill post here.

is anyone going to the benefit 20-20 game. i believe paddy mac, steve walsh and matty elliot are all in the leicestershire allstars team, should be a good night. £5
when and is it at grace road?
tomorow night i think and yes its at grace road. should be good
Will you be playing for the All - Stars ???

Probably be taken some notes whilst playing with himself! :icon_wink
you cultured bugger
Shouldn't someone move this to Cricket??
i thought that was garlic bread
Durham Fox said:
tomorrow night, 5:30pm stumps. I shall be there.

i take it that means it starts at 5.30. if so im fooked as i wont leave work till 5 and no way will i make it to grace road before 5.30

a stupid time to have it really.
lako42 said:
i take it that means it starts at 5.30. if so im fooked as i wont leave work till 5 and no way will i make it to grace road before 5.30

a stupid time to have it really.

They have to get the game in before it gets dark mate :icon_roll

They dont bolt the gates shut at 5:30 anyway.....
it wouldnt be worth it, id miss half the game anyway. dont get dark till 10 these days, thought they had the lights down there.
lako42 said:
it wouldnt be worth it, id miss half the game anyway. dont get dark till 10 these days, thought they had the lights down there.

I doubt they have got the lights down there tonight, 10pm light is not suitable for cricket, anything past 8:30 will be unplayable, hence the 5:30 start.
Went down, really poor turn out, probably only a couple of hundred. Matty Elliott looked a useful batsmen, Gerry less so!! :icon_lol: Good to see Muzzy down 'there supporting them. Even if he looked a bit 'heavy'
Durham Fox said:
Went down, really poor turn out, probably only a couple of hundred. Matty Elliott looked a useful batsmen, Gerry less so!! :icon_lol: Good to see Muzzy down 'there supporting them. Even if he looked a bit 'heavy'

That's what you get for starting the game at such a ridiculous time........
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