Death List 2008

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I sure even the majority of labour supporters aren't as small minded as that.
Its got nothing to do with Labour,Consevative,Liberal.She was hated across the board by members and supporters of all parties.Like I said an evil,vile woman who destroyed communities and wrecked families.I truely wish her dead.
All women have evil and poisonous mouths, put them in power and expect hell.
Any particular reason?

He lived the life of a king and still does from the money he scammed from the NUM, and whilst the miners were in the soup kitchens and general poverty. I blame him for the rifts caused in families because of the strike. Whether it was a Thatcher goverment or a labour goverment i would have agreed with any of them for taking on the miners. It was a multi million pound losing industry and Scargill knew it. I would have had more sympathy for his cause if he tried to get the miners a good pay-off rather than trying to justify his own communist political stance.
That said i'm not arguing with anybody about the political side of things because we all have opinions that we think we are right about.
Its got nothing to do with Labour,Consevative,Liberal.She was hated across the board by members and supporters of all parties.Like I said an evil,vile woman who destroyed communities and wrecked families.I truely wish her dead.

Yeh, but come on in, her younger days, you would've wouldn't you.
I mean if someone was holding a knife to your throat.....:045::110:
Such as what???

I hope, along with most people, that she dies a slow, lingering death in an underfunded hospital with no pain relief.

Most people eh? I reckon you speak for a small minority. And rhetoric aside, I can't believe any human being can wish that on another*. If you do, seriously, you have gone right down in my estimation Macky.

* excepting murderers, rapists and non-performing footballers of course.
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Most people eh? I reckon you speak for a small minority. And rhetoric aside, I can't believe any human being can wish that on another. If you do, seriously, you have gone right down in my estimation Macky.

Plenty wished it on Saddam Hussain:102:I've never wished anyone dead in my live but such is my hate for that woman I will be glad when she has gone.I saw firsthand that pain she caused to people
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Covered that with my edit :icon_wink

Like I said I witnessed the pain she caused to others first hand,including in my own family.I don't wish harm on people but she is the one person I make exception for.Give me the gun and I will gladly pull the trigger
Surely it's OTT to suggest a political leader of the civilised world, especially the UK, could possibly directly inflict pain and suffering of a non financial nature, caused by actions that fit within their job description, on fellow human beings?

It's never happened to me, and I doubt it ever will, but I'm prepared to have my opinion swayed by any level headed example.
I have my reasons but I'm not about to discuss them on an Internet Forum.I'm not a hateful person atall,those that know me would tell you that.Anyway I've said enough about the old bat and I'm boring myself now
Hitler won 5 elections
I'm pretty sure that's not true.:icon_lol:

Imo Mrs Thatcher was the best prime minister in my lifetime but if was to die tomorrow it wouldn't ruin my day. Anyone wills the death of a frail old women who hasn't been in power for 17 years really ought to get a life.
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P Pld Pts
1Manchester C  412
5Aston Villa49
7Nottm F48
10Manchester U46
13Tottenham 44
14West Ham44