Dickov's sentiments

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Well-Known Member
Dickov said:
"It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Leicester meant a lot to me and still does," Dickov told the Leicester Mercury today, on the day that City team-mate Muzzy Izzet's move to Birmingham City was confirmed.

Well Paul, it's funny that, becasue you mean f*ck all to me now, just another money grabbing tosser. Piss off.
Joe_Fox said:
Dickov said:
"It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Leicester meant a lot to me and still does," Dickov told the Leicester Mercury today, on the day that City team-mate Muzzy Izzet's move to Birmingham City was confirmed.

Well Paul, it's funny that, becasue you mean f*ck all to me now, just another money grabbing tosser. Piss off.

They are my sentiments entirely there joe and yours(obviously).
Sad bastard
Joe_Fox said:
Dickov said:
"It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Leicester meant a lot to me and still does," Dickov told the Leicester Mercury today, on the day that City team-mate Muzzy Izzet's move to Birmingham City was confirmed.

Well Paul, it's funny that, becasue you mean f*ck all to me now, just another money grabbing tosser. Piss off.

Adversity enjoins strange bedfellows (in a non-gay way (c) Malf). I agree with you one hundred per cent. :shock: :shock: :? :? :P :P :wink:
Dickov let us all down. When looking at the past we can see that the little tw@t has been a bloody legend, he's done a great job for us but then to f*ck off just like that is just stupid. I really thought he loved Leicester and thought he would sign up with no worries. Obviously not.

Best of luck to Dickov, a Living Legend & Unfaithful B@stard!
Dickov claims it was the hardest thing he ever had to do. He claims he is really thankful to Mickey for rejuvinating his career and getting him noticed again...funny way of showing gratitude...hope your wife is good at removing splinters, cause you'll have plenty in your arse from the bench at Blackburn...You are about the size of an Ewock...Guess Ewock park is the best place for you! F*** off to Endore bitch :lol:
PEN 3 - Good riddance Dickov!

Someone said dickov was a 'legend'. I'm sorry but such accolades are only given to the likes of Weller, Wortho and Lineker. Dickov was a first division striker. He was slow - when did you see him run past a defender, and he had an annoying habit of giving away needless free-kicks. He was a headless chicken, who struggled to score in the premiership. I doubt he will be missed
Really wish players wouldn't come out with stuff liek this. If he had just said he left because it was adventageous for his career I would have had far more respect. Instead they keep up the pretence of 'loving' the club.
as soon as it came out that he had 'activated' his get out clause,i posted on the OS boards that i thought it was more to do with his family and his missus wanting to move back up north nearer her family after the La Manga business......i think THAT is the real reason and if he just came out and said that instead of all the other b0ll0cks then i wouldn't have a problem with him going whatsoever.

good luck to him at Blackburn,cos he'll need it!!

i won't boo him if he ever plays against us but i won't give him applause like i will Muzzy....Dickov doesn't deserve it.
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