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I really dont think todays business is armageddon for the club.

We have made a nice profit on a player that has not really done that much more to sell himself than he had already done before we signed him.

We have then paid much less to replace him with two players that are yes unproven but werent Muzzy and Lennon fairly unproven when they came to us. MON had this knack of pulling out unknowns and making them into great players. CL hasnt proved to me he can do that yet but I wait to be shown either way.

Also the extra money will go towards the 6 million short fall we will have if we dont go up at the end of the season. We are for the foreseeable future going to be in a position where if we can make a reasonable profit on any player then we are going to have to take it and replace them with lower paid unprovens. Thats the level the club is at. If those players can then get us promoted and we can build for the furture with the money we then gain, even if we have to yoyo for a couple of years then that surely can not be seen by anyone as a bad thing. Unless Mr Abramovich fancies moving north this is unlikely to change.

I will continue to reserve judgement for another month or so before I decide whether today is a good or a bad day. One thing is for certain, performances like the one against luton are not and will never be acceptable from professional footballers at this level in my eyes.
I do not understand the doom and gloom. Our number one priority is the survival of the club. I would hope that this years budget will be based on no parachute payment next year. That is CL will have been told he could not offer contracts in total that could not be honoured next year without the parachute money if we are not promoted. That is why CL had to halve the budget this year. Wigan make an enquiry about Connolly. I think we paid £500 000 for DC. We have sold him for £2 million, £3 million if Wigan are not relegated. Stranger things have happened! We pay less than £1 million for a two strikers. Elvis, who everyone has gone 'ooh he's fast, takes defenders on and is prepared to have a shot'. Hume with a virtually identical strike rate last season to DC. Seems good business to me.
We now have cash in the bank to offset probably lower gates this season than budgeted, and possibly a bit of an emergency fund for Xmas if we have serious long term injuries. Its good business. CL was obviously told Wigan wanted to throw silly money at us and prepared the way in advance for Hume and Hammond. Lets get behind him and the team and wish them well, but please cut out the Zonal Marking!
Mike - True Blue Tinter said:
I do not understand the doom and gloom. Our number one priority is the survival of the club. I would hope that this years budget will be based on no parachute payment next year. That is CL will have been told he could not offer contracts in total that could not be honoured next year without the parachute money if we are not promoted. That is why CL had to halve the budget this year. Wigan make an enquiry about Connolly. I think we paid £500 000 for DC. We have sold him for £2 million, £3 million if Wigan are not relegated. Stranger things have happened! We pay less than £1 million for a two strikers. Elvis, who everyone has gone 'ooh he's fast, takes defenders on and is prepared to have a shot'. Hume with a virtually identical strike rate last season to DC. Seems good business to me.
We now have cash in the bank to offset probably lower gates this season than budgeted, and possibly a bit of an emergency fund for Xmas if we have serious long term injuries. Its good business. CL was obviously told Wigan wanted to throw silly money at us and prepared the way in advance for Hume and Hammond. Lets get behind him and the team and wish them well, but please cut out the Zonal Marking!

exactly. business is business and as much as I love this club its still a business.
Mike - True Blue Tinter said:
I do not understand the doom and gloom. Our number one priority is the survival of the club. I would hope that this years budget will be based on no parachute payment next year. That is CL will have been told he could not offer contracts in total that could not be honoured next year without the parachute money if we are not promoted. That is why CL had to halve the budget this year. Wigan make an enquiry about Connolly. I think we paid £500 000 for DC. We have sold him for £2 million, £3 million if Wigan are not relegated. Stranger things have happened! We pay less than £1 million for a two strikers. Elvis, who everyone has gone 'ooh he's fast, takes defenders on and is prepared to have a shot'. Hume with a virtually identical strike rate last season to DC. Seems good business to me.
We now have cash in the bank to offset probably lower gates this season than budgeted, and possibly a bit of an emergency fund for Xmas if we have serious long term injuries. Its good business. CL was obviously told Wigan wanted to throw silly money at us and prepared the way in advance for Hume and Hammond. Lets get behind him and the team and wish them well, but please cut out the Zonal Marking!

I'd agree with that, hopefully the majority of the teams wage structure has been installed with the possibility of us staying in this division and hopefully we won't have to go through the now summer ritual of completely rebuilding our team.

oh you missed off the crappy floaty near post corners shame on you :icon_lol:
Mike - True Blue Tinter said:
I do not understand the doom and gloom. Our number one priority is the survival of the club. I would hope that this years budget will be based on no parachute payment next year. That is CL will have been told he could not offer contracts in total that could not be honoured next year without the parachute money if we are not promoted. That is why CL had to halve the budget this year. Wigan make an enquiry about Connolly. I think we paid £500 000 for DC. We have sold him for £2 million, £3 million if Wigan are not relegated. Stranger things have happened! We pay less than £1 million for a two strikers. Elvis, who everyone has gone 'ooh he's fast, takes defenders on and is prepared to have a shot'. Hume with a virtually identical strike rate last season to DC. Seems good business to me.
We now have cash in the bank to offset probably lower gates this season than budgeted, and possibly a bit of an emergency fund for Xmas if we have serious long term injuries. Its good business. CL was obviously told Wigan wanted to throw silly money at us and prepared the way in advance for Hume and Hammond. Lets get behind him and the team and wish them well, but please cut out the Zonal Marking!

While I whole-heartedly agree Mike, in fairness Hume hasn't done it at this level; however he will IMO.
alex said:
While I whole-heartedly agree Mike, in fairness Hume hasn't done it at this level; however he will IMO.

But neither had many of the players MON signed, that is the football business, after the last 2 - 3 seasons of signing aging has beens with no sell on value, it is nice to see us investing in some of the best young talent available. Hume is very highly rated, Preston had a bid rejected yesterday and following the signing of Dave Nugent, I would say Billy Davies is a fairly good judge of a young player. So for two managers of the calibre of Davies and Levein, who are both renowned for signing promising youngsters, then this signing bodes well. I agree Alex, whilst there is a degree of risk in every transfer, I truly believe both the signings of Hume and Hammond will be to the long term benefit of Leicester City.
Re: Elvis and hulme in place of Tommy Wright and DC

I am not so gloomy.

Tommy was clearly out of favour, out of form and when given a chance in pre season didnt exactly shine. I hope he recovers some form at Blackpool, always good to see a local lad come good. It shows how much turnover there was last season that he was the most senior squad member, an honour now of DD at 13 months.

DC never really convinced me last season, I saw him waste too many chances in front of goal, and would much rather take a punt on Hulme, who nearly got tranmere promoted. Of DCs 14 goals last season several were peanalties. He was never a Dickov replacement. A cynic might suggest that his active form in the end of last season and the first couple of games this season were with an eye on the transfer market. I think that he is a trouble maker who has fallen out with most teams that he has played with. One of Mickeys Misfits. I wish Wigan well, but I don't think he will deliver for them.

I think that it will take some time to build a team from these youngsters, and I hope that CL can replace the ones that will be sold to wealthier teams. Young players want to play regularly to attract interest from the premiership clubs, and this will be the painful road to financial solidity now that the groundshare is off. I hope that we survive in this division and play interesting football to attract the crowds.

The premiership is some way off, unless we happen on a decent striker, Dc was never going to be that striker, hopefully Elvis or hulme will be.
Our midfield is now a lot stronger and the defence will be better with more experience of playing together (they need to be!). 451 with a good attacking midfield may be a good formation for our current side, it seems to be the fashion, and we get a lot of our goals from Midfield.

Howabout a song for Elvis? its too good to miss (but not "Return to Sender")
Tommy Wright, whilst I wish him well, has trodden water the last few years. CL has shown that if you are good enough you are old enough (If young Weso hadn't had his leg broke by that.....) . TW was obviously not good enough :102:

As regards DC. weren't we frustrated by the number of times he hit the woodwork....:mad:

Now we have Elvis. We have signed him so he wont just be back up as if on loan, so should get a good run out. :icon_lol:

As for Mr Hume, if CL has been after him for a while, I reckon we will be impressed. :038:

They now have 8 days together to "bond" and find a way of scoring more goals than the opposition ..(That saves worrying about the defence ;) ).

COME ON :041:
xsubmariner said:
Tommy Wright, whilst I wish him well, has trodden water the last few years. CL has shown that if you are good enough you are old enough (If young Weso hadn't had his leg broke by that.....) . TW was obviously not good enough :102:

As regards DC. weren't we frustrated by the number of times he hit the woodwork....:mad:

Now we have Elvis. We have signed him so he wont just be back up as if on loan, so should get a good run out. :icon_lol:

As for Mr Hume, if CL has been after him for a while, I reckon we will be impressed. :038:

They now have 8 days together to "bond" and find a way of scoring more goals than the opposition ..(That saves worrying about the defence ;) ).

COME ON :041:

a-ha the Kevin Keegan approach to football management. They score 6 we will score 7. Makes for exciting football but sh*t defences.
I just entered that competition about what club he came from where you win a signed shirt. Obviousely I answered correctly and then just to confirm that I got a text back within seconds saying:

'Correct Answer! Well done - all you need to do now is wait until Friday September 9 when we will be making the draw - GOOD LUCK!'

One thing I realised about it was that I could never wear it because I'm 6" 1" and I think he's only about 5" 9" so his shirt would be medium or small!
Another problem is that when they annouce the winner - Friday - I'll be at school! I'm only 15 you know!
East Anglia Fox said:
I just entered that competition about what club he came from where you win a signed shirt. Obviousely I answered correctly and then just to confirm that I got a text back within seconds saying:

'Correct Answer! Well done - all you need to do now is wait until Friday September 9 when we will be making the draw - GOOD LUCK!'

One thing I realised about it was that I could never wear it because I'm 6" 1" and I think he's only about 5" 9" so his shirt would be medium or small!
6" 1' at 15! bloody hell!!
fcukcov said:
6" 1' at 15! bloody hell!!

There are even some people in the year below me who are about 6" 3" and 6" 4". There's even one boy 2 years below me who I have to look up at and he's only 13!
East Anglia Fox said:
There are even some people in the year below me who are about 6" 3" and 6" 4". There's even one boy 2 years below me who I have to look up at and he's only 13!
Feck me, where do you go to school? Gerry Cottles?;)
do they like sweetcorn?
must be something to do with East Anglia. Are all the tall ones related by any chance?
MKFox said:
Feck me, where do you go to school? Gerry Cottles?;)

No, no! These people are just exceptions. I mean I'm in Year 11 and I'm probably the 5th or 6th tallest peson in the year, and there are about 250 people in my year group.
Hey stop insulting East Anglia. It's not really a backward place full of inbreads you know. I can imagine that people from Leicestershire think its full of people that marry their cousins and people with stupid accents eating sweetcorn, but that is all a myth! I mean obviousely there are a few people like that, but very few. It's just the same as any other county in terms of the height of poeple etc but I just happen to be a tall person. Don't they have people over 5" 9" in Leicestershire or something then?
East Anglia Fox said:
Hey stop insulting East Anglia. It's not really a backward place full of inbreads you know. I can imagine that people from Leicestershire think its full of people that marry their cousins and people with stupid accents eating sweetcorn, but that is all a myth! I mean obviousely there are a few people like that, but very few. It's just the same as any other county in terms of the height of poeple etc but I just happen to be a tall person. Don't they have people over 5" 9" in Leicestershire or something then?

well im 6ft 4..........Ive been to east anglia as well. nice but a bit flat. can see why people would get bored and marry their sisters.;)
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