Football years on Sky

Are Leicester fairly represented on TV?

  • NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • YES except for ITV

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  • YES except for SKY

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Well-Known Member
Did anyone see Football years yesterday (03/11/03) ? It was the 1996/7 Season and Leicester did not appear on the programme once! It kept going on about how unlucky Middlesborough were after buying Ravanelli et al, having 3 points deducted, getting relegated and then losing the FA cup final! Not a thing about being beaten by a brilliant Leicester City in the League cup final after a replay (which started their downfall). Pisses me off when Leicester dont get the coverage they deserve. Never mind, we are still by far the greatest team the world has ever seen.
Yeah, I was watching Football Years. Amazed we didn't figure given the coverage Middlesborough got and the mentions of losing out on two cups.

Still, the whole Ravanelli thing made me lauch. All that money spent at the start of the season and still in the sh*t...

And I thoroughly enjoyed seeing repeated shots of Alex Fergusons face as they got hammered 5-0 by Newcastle... and then 6-3 in the very next game!!!!
Yes, i presume Ferguson will be launching a court case about the mis-representation of Man U on the programme. Tosser
I HATE ALLY MCCOIST. Even more after having a razz on FIFA 2004 at the weekend. He doesn't praise anything you do on that either.
He's the most annoying "pundit" ever.
Also, Gregory on Sky against Blackburn was a bit of a tosser, Bassett should have smacked him!
I thought Gregory was quite cool on Sunday... He wasn't derogatory to us in any sense...
yeah, i know, but he still followed little on his jolly little judasesque journey to villa
Joe_Fox said:
yeah, i know, but he still followed little on his jolly little judasesque journey to villa

judasesque :? :?: :?

Yeah... But to be fair, he did then go on to fcuk-up the Sheep...
you dirty beggar! The thought of Gregory getting intimate with a sheep is foul. Please rephrase to "atleast he messed Derby up".
John Gregory was sacked by Derby because he was too busy being up sheep
Gregory was sacked from Villa for sheep related matters
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