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i thought he looked really good on sunday,i know just about everyone else thinks hes crap so give me 10 seconds to hide behind something b4 you all throw me abuse,vegetables etc
With you on that Woz, not a great fan of Gemmill, but agree he has done ok in the 2 games i've seen him in.

I think that he'll give us a calming presence on the ball in the hectic midfield area , so while not my first choice, at least he can provide some decent back-up.
i'm not convinced about gemmil. he did look decent over the weekend however he did have alot of space. i won't be convinced of his passing game until he is put under a bit of pressure in midfield
Can't really see the aquisistion (possible) of Gemmill as particularly positive at all. I thought he looked pretty plain on sunday. I appreciate he probably is some way off full fitness, but i know a couple of Evertonians who have never rated him at all.

I agree we still need one more midfielder, but would like Micky et al to explore other possibilities before confirming the signing of Gemmill Jnr. Would have loved us to have got Garry Flitcroft. Anybody know what the score with him is?
Gemmill will be a good back-up player, and we'll definately need him at the start of the season as Gudjonsson gets fitter. Looked alright both times I saw him over the weekend and sharper than Joey (though obviously not of the same class..). I'll be happy with the signing.
Can't see the harm in having Gemmill, even if it is just for back-up. There are a lot of games in this division and come the end of August I'd sooner err on the side of caution and have too many players than not enough.
i've been hearing good things bout him, he should be a good signing for the coke league but i doubt he will do anything n the prem next year (wishful thinking there)
from what mickys said there isnt much cash left so the chances of getting anyone younger/better than gemmil must be pretty slim, not too unhappy at the prospect of him signing, he sounds like he'll be decent enough back up.
i wonder, since micky was apparently chasing gudjonnsson for ages, if mcateer was originally brought in to be the defensive midfield cover?
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