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Not totally meaningless. It's better than just making it up, like DG did.
I would have thought the people who comment would be representative of the paper's readers, so it may not make much difference overall.

Have you ever read the comment section in the Mail? Half the time it's left wingers slagging them off.
Instead of making stuff up, why not do some research? It's easy using Google.

I've just done a quick check to see how they compare:

The Daily Mail website has 2,240 pages in Google containing the word 'chav', out of a total of 1.8 million.
The Mirror: 615/780,000
The Guardian: 5,230/8.18 Million
Telegraph 798/3.51 million.

So you're right about the Guardian having the most mentions of the word 'chav', but they also have far more pages than the other newspaper websites. And much of the content on their site is generated by users, and is not part of the editorial content, so the result may not represent the newspaper.
Another left wing paper, the Mirror, has the fewest mentions.

Looking at it as a proportion of the paper's pages that contain the word chav, this is what we get:

The Mail - 1 page in 803 mentions 'chav'
The Mirror - 1 in 1,268
The Guardian - 1 in 1,564
The Telegraph - 1 in 4.398

So the worst offender is a right wing paper.

What an impressive set of statistics. It is always interesting when ones impressions come face to face with facts - and I admit it was an impression.

I did not consider the Mail or the Mirror since they are not papers I regularly read. The Mail is too far removed from my values I had not considered the Mirror since I never thought it snobbish. I find any use of the word by The Mirror ironic since when I once mentioned The Mirror to a student she told me it was a paper only read by chavs..

The Telegraph does come out of it rather well. Yo me the word "Chav" in a left wing newspaper is especially out of place. On the other hand it is a bit disappointing that the editor allowed the word to be used in The Telegraph at all.
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