Kish was a busted flush when he arrived at city and never did anything for us except teach Tunchev english (which may have been worth it all along).
Hopefully he gets a go at Cheltenham and Mad Dog reunites the famous 14 he 'signed' for Leicester. If we play a team featuring Kenton Wesolowski, Kishishev, Hammond Hayles, Hayes etc etc when we play them at the Walkers i will SHIT myself laughing that someone has allowed Allen the chance to reunite possibly the worst team assembled apart from Derby.
They should make a film of it with Vinny Jones as Mad Dog Martin Allen in "CrapHog Day" in which our hero wakes up and it's the same shit day over and over again until he falls in love with Andy McDour . It'd be like Cool Runnings but without BobSleds, John Candy, Jamaicans, The Olympics, the German bobsled team, an interesting twist and a scene at the end when they carry the bobsled over the line.
"It's Bobsled time!"