6 and half years old :icon_wink
Newts, do yourself and your son a favour, get him enrolled into my football school, we are a technical based school originaly from holland. We are now a global brand, endorsed by Adidas, and work with a number of national assosiastions, including the new FA Skills programme. We will not teach them tactics of the game, we will not be telling your lad he is a left winger. We will simpy supply him with a foundation of technical skill, which he can then go on from, and become what ever his ability will allow. We have a few boys who are now in pro club academys, but they still come to us for that technical education. And pro clubs allow it because we are not teams, we do not play competative (league) games.
Hey it's only a suggestion, you can tell me to do one, but we start allowing kids who are at club level from 6 yrs & upwards. And while i'm at it, i'm thinking of running a class for Adults, for those that would like some ideas for their teams, or for those that are just looking to get fit. If anyone fancies it, just PM me.
Graham ( and sorry for it sounding like an advert)