Leicester 3 Nottingham Forest 0

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This, I thought we were by far the better side against them, right until they scored, and played sparkling football. Do you think that's wrong?

I thought we hammered them first half that night. Second half was all theirs though.
From where I sit in L1 I could clearly see the bloke have punches thrown at him as he was pulled away down the stairs by the stewards and police. You and your friends might well think it's acceptable to be an away fan in a family stand, but some of the family stand people near where you were sat obviously don't.

And I'm afraid to say, he wasn't escorted out by any 'fan' at all, but was taken out by the police.

Are you sure you are referring to the same incident that I was watching, because it didn't look in the slight bit friendly judging by the faces of those involved.
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From where I sit in L1 I could clearly see the bloke have punches thrown at him as he was pulled away down the stairs by the stewards and police. You and your friends might well think it's acceptable to be an away fan in a family stand, but some of the family stand people near where you were sat obviously don't.

And I'm afraid to say, he wasn't escorted out by any 'fan' at all, but was taken out by the police.

Are you sure you are referring to the same incident that I was watching, because it didn't look in the slight bit friendly judging by the faces of those involved.

Definately not the same incident then, no police or stewards involved. Sorry for any confusion caused.

I didn't say I agreed with them being there. Like I said, I didn't go to the corresponding fixture (for exactly that reason ).
Having spoken to a few people, there was certainly an element in there that you would not normally find in the family stand for yesterdays game.
Not the best of games I've been to.
Didn't like Forest's tactics at all.
Earnshaw should've gone.
Brown played more passes to a Blue shirt than I've seen him play in a long time.
With Cardiff losing, a very good day at the office.
we were shite and won 3-0 ?

says a lot about Forest then really doesn't it
we were shite and won 3-0 ?

says a lot about Forest then really doesn't it

I wouldn't say we were shite but for the first 67 minutes, the game was being played by two teams who were frightened to lose and wanted to make sure they were not going to. That's why I predicted a 0-0 draw and up until the 68th minute it looked as though I was going to be right.

Once the first goal was scored, the team conceding it went to pot and the floodgates opened.
From where I sit in L1 I could clearly see the bloke have punches thrown at him as he was pulled away down the stairs by the stewards and police. You and your friends might well think it's acceptable to be an away fan in a family stand, but some of the family stand people near where you were sat obviously don't.

And I'm afraid to say, he wasn't escorted out by any 'fan' at all, but was taken out by the police.

Are you sure you are referring to the same incident that I was watching, because it didn't look in the slight bit friendly judging by the faces of those involved.

Sorry about confusion last night BF. Have since heard a rumour of who was involved in the incident you're on about though but not sure I'm allowed to post names so best not.
Living and working in Nottingham, I obviously know a fair few Forest supporters. I have only spoken to a small amount who was at the game yesterday, and all of them agreed over the 90 minutes we deserved to win the game.

The first half was pretty boring, both sides created very little and the game never really got going. As mentioned in a previous post, Davies decided to change things first, which appears to have backfired. All this talk about XXXX being fouled constantly and XXXX also being fouled is total bollocks. It was a local derby, and there will be challenges that are a little stronger than normal. The fact that both teams each received 5 yellow cards appear to show that they were treated equally.

The first goal was always going to be important, and you only have to watch the match highlights to see it was a well worked goal, and the forest defence were caught napping.

The free kick was a clear tug of the shirt, and Gallagher certainly from the angle he was standing at executed the free kick to perfection. They're the sort of goals you applaud for the quality.

The hold up play for the 3rd goal was excellent, and Berners through ball to King was precise allowing him to knock it out of Camp's reach.

Rich B, for the first and third goal your defence were woefully poor. I am not going to sit here typing that were 'world beaters' yesterday because we weren't, but what we were was the better side on the day, and I think the quicker you accept that the better.

Being in the same position as NF, I found most of the trees fans I spoke to with were of the same opinion as above. The one comment a few all made was how disgusted they were with the way their player kept going down for nothing and attempting to delay the game. They reckon Cloughie woul;d have turned in his grave seeing that, and didn't think that they would have lasted very long on the pitch as they would have been substituted. And they wished us luck for the rest of the season, hopefully we'll meet at Wembley.
This proves that not all trees fans are idiots, just the majority.
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Sorry about confusion last night BF. Have since heard a rumour of who was involved in the incident you're on about though but not sure I'm allowed to post names so best not.

let me please clear something up about the trouble in the family stand, i was involved in the fracas after we scored our first goal, and had a bit of banter with the 2 forest fans sat infront of me, to which came the reply he was going to break my jaw, and then next he turned around and spat straight in my face, to which i took great exception to.
i am not happy about what i did as i have been sitting in the family stand for years and understand it is not the done correct way to behave, but to be spat at in your face really is pushing the boundarys of anyones patience, so let me just apologise to anybody that was sitting near to the incident that had to witness it.
let me please clear something up about the trouble in the family stand, i was involved in the fracas after we scored our first goal, and had a bit of banter with the 2 forest fans sat infront of me, to which came the reply he was going to break my jaw, and then next he turned around and spat straight in my face, to which i took great exception to.
i am not happy about what i did as i have been sitting in the family stand for years and understand it is not the done correct way to behave, but to be spat at in your face really is pushing the boundarys of anyones patience, so let me just apologise to anybody that was sitting near to the incident that had to witness it.

I don't really see that you have any need to apologise. The behaviour of this knuckle-dragger shows why clubs still have to go through so much effort to ensure that fans are segregated.

But well done to you for recognising that what you did wasn't the correct thing. I do wonder though how many of us would have reacted any differently.
I don't really see that you have any need to apologise. The behaviour of this knuckle-dragger shows why clubs still have to go through so much effort to ensure that fans are segregated.

But well done to you for recognising that what you did wasn't the correct thing. I do wonder though how many of us would have reacted any differently.

Definitely not me.
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